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About Me | All4NaturalHealth.comHi everyone! My name is Reuben, and I'm the owner, webmaster and editor of this website; I used to be the sole author of the website, too, but I now also engage other writers to research and write here. I have a keen interest in natural health issues. And like many others who have a similar passion, we have found our way, so-to-speak, into this subject through personal experiences of ill-health and the need to do something about it, as well as fates which befell our loved ones.
I didn't like any of them. Who does? Like most people, I relied on drugs and medication to 'get me well'. You know, like many people say - 'how can you get well if you don't see the doctor?', or 'how can you get better if you don't take your medicine?'. But medications only made me weaker in the long run. And they came with side effects - after several doses of cold medications, my gastric problems would act up; same cycle virtually every time. And you know what? They weren't even that effective in suppressing my symptoms anyway! My state of health persisted for many years. It was the kind of situation whereby you are not-quite-sickly-enough-to-be-in-and-out-of-hospitals-but-yet-you-feel-tired-and-weak-and-fall-ill-rather-often. And you suffer from all kinds of discomforts and pains. It sucked.
I went to sleep at 8pm, and I had to sleep with a pillow pressed against my stomach because, yeah, it was that painful. I went to many medical doctors. I tried many types of drugs. Some seemed to help for awhile, and then they stopped being of any use. X-rays and scopes showed no abnormality anywhere. Doctors and the specialist just sent me away. But I was suffering. Some doctors said my problems were caused by stress. That's the most convenient guess when they don't know what to do. Or that it's 'all in your head'. I told them, my only stress in life was my stomach problems! I lost interest in everything. I was very pale and my weight plummeted by some 5 to 10kg, which is like 10 to 20 pounds; being thin, that's a significant proportion of my weight. What saved me in the end? Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM for short. A man who practiced it gave me some chinese herbs. Over the period of a few months, I got better and better. My weight got back up and my life returned. That was my first realization of the shortcomings of allopathic medicine, as well as the possibilities provided by traditional and natural healing modalities. Interesting.
My health, of course, went slowly downhill. That, together with the fates of a few people close to me, drew me toward the subject of health.
But that triggered off a lot of reading I did into cancer. From a very young age, I had already doubted this thing called chemotherapy - it just didn't make sense to me, that we were poisoning people with chemicals and making them suffer to try and get them well. The more I read, the more I was exposed to, not just the failings, but the ridiculousness of conventional cancer 'treatment'. Yup. In my view, it's a huge farce. Anyway, in 2005, my aunt and my dad, too, got cancer; they both went conventional, and both succumbed quite quickly. It was a tough year. I had tried my darned hardest to steer my dad away from conventional methods, but failed, and I watched everything unfold. They gave him 18 months. He was gone in less than 40 days. Since then, I've read and learnt a lot more about cancer, both the conventional cancer treatment industry as well as alternative treatments and natural therapies, and the additional information and knowledge I have picked up have only served to deepen my beliefs.
Those were the impetus for me to learn as much as I could, and to change my lifestyle, quite significantly. I have read furiously for the past few years. I've definitely lost track of the number of websites I've visited and read, the number of internet forum conversations I've perused, the number of books I have bought, and the amount of material I have printed out and read. Virtually all on natural health and healing modalities. Oh yes, back in 2001, my mum had passed on too, days after suffering a very sudden stroke. She was gone in less than 4 days. As I look back, I do wonder about many things. Among them, I ponder if I would have been able to stop those events, or perhaps just delay them, if I had had the knowledge about natural health which I do today. I'm quite certain I could have. But that's in the past now. I believe that everything which has happened serve as poignant reminders and powerful driving forces for me to change my life, in more ways than just changing my diet and lifestyle. If you are interested, I have documented my grief experience on another website; it's somewhat related, because emotional and mental health form part of the larger health and wellbeing picture of a person.
After all, such information and knowledge, when learnt, needs to be shared. Especially when I've realized, from my conversations with people, that the average person out there knows very little about natural health and healing, and about our bodies' amazing ability to heal themselves. The average person also does far too little in taking personal responsibility for his or her own health. Listening to what is 'conventional' or 'common' knowledge is not just bad, but very dangerous; a lot of that information is way off. After some time, I began to engage other writers to research and write about various natural health topics, in order to share more information with people.
Life is a journey, and so is health, as well as learning. All4NaturalHealth.com is thus a journey of natural health and healing, towards vibrant health and vitality. Attaining good health naturally is not just possible, it's our birthright. Let's all claim it. Have a blessed, happy, wonderful and healthy day ahead! :-) Reuben
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