The Apple Cider Vinegar Acid Reflux Link

What is the apple cider vinegar acid reflux connection?

Some people find relief from acid reflux by including apple cider vinegar in their daily diet.

But you may be wondering how this acidic liquid can help an already acidic stomach.

Although apple cider vinegar is often cited as an effective relief remedy for acid reflux, it seems that the exact mechanism by which the vinegar works to relief acid reflux symptoms is not clear.

However, there are some theories and postulations on how the remedy works, based on the properties of the apple cider vinegar.

The theories behind apple cider vinegar

With one of the theory, it is believed that apple cider actually helps to reduce the acidity of the stomach, as such reduces the impact of acidity on the esophagus when any back flow of stomach contents occur.

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A note about The Apple Cider Vinegar Acid Reflux Link

In natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases.

In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies.

Because the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar is a weaker acid than the hydrochloric acid in our stomach, it is postulated that a more mildly acidic environment is created in the stomach when you consume the vinegar. Such an environment actually allows the stomach to still digest food consumed efficiently, while reducing the impact of acidity on the stomach and esophagus (when there is any back flow). [1]

With another theory, it is believed that the apple cider vinegar provides the acidity for the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) to close properly, as such helping to prevent stomach contents from back flowing up the esophagus. [1]

It is believed that the LES is a pH sensitive value. When there is insufficient acid in the stomach (a result of aging or use of antacids) for digesting food that is consumed, the LES is not able to close effectively. Stomach contents may then rise up the esophagus when the LES flips open periodically, resulting in acid reflux symptoms. [1]

Yet another theory suggests that apple cider helps to digest fats in the foods you eat, as such making the digestive process more efficient [1]. This is important because poor digestion can also bring about symptoms of heartburn, nausea and bloating - symptoms also experienced with acid reflux.

Using apple cider vinegar for acid reflux

So how do you obtain the said apple cider vinegar acid reflux relief effects?

Try 2 to 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in 8 ounces of water before meals, or when you experience the heartburn. This home remedy has brought relief to thousands of people in just about 10 minutes.

If you do not like the taste of the mixture, there are apple cider tablets available. Alternatively, you can try adding a bit of honey to the mixture for taste.

You can also add the vinegar to a smoothie to mask the taste.

Apple cider vinegar can also be used as a healthier alternative in salad dressings. It can also be used to marinade meat and fish.

The best types of apple cider vinegar

It is recommended that you use raw (unprocessed and unfiltered), unpasteurized, organic apple cider vinegar for the best results. [2, 3]

This is because pasteurizing the apple cider vinegar destroys many of the vinegar's natural enzymes. In turn, filtering and processing the vinegar also removes many of its important and active nutrients. [2, 3]

So when choosing your apple cider vinegar, go for the ones that look somewhat murky and brown and has "cobweb-like" substances (known as "mother") floating in the fluid, as they are considered to be of better quality. Avoid those that are perfectly clear as they have been processed and filtered. [3]

Pointers to note

Apple cider vinegar is relatively safe to use in small quantities. After all, it is a food that can be used in cooking and all.

Nonetheless, it is still rather acidic in nature. As such, it is best consumed diluted with water or juice. Pure apple cider vinegar could damage your teeth or the membranes of your mouth, throat and esophagus.

When apple cider vinegar is used excessively on the long term basis, it could lead to low potassium levels and a lowering of bone density. [3]

Apple cider vinegar could also interact with medications such as diuretics, laxatives and medications for diabetes and heart disease [3]. So if you are on such medications, do check with your doctor first before introducing apple cider vinegar to your acid-reflux-free diet.

Other health benefits of apple cider vinegar

Besides serving as a relief for acid reflux, apple cider vinegar can also help your body restore its normal pH, making it less susceptible to disease. [4]

It also helps in the absorption of nutrients from your food, so you get more from what you eat. [4]

Apple cider vinegar is also helpful for and widely used in weight loss, another important step you can take if you are obese and suffering from acid reflux.

Beyond apple cider vinegar

Before you make a trip to the doctor for your reflux problem, give the apple cider vinegar acid reflux remedy a try.

Besides apple cider vinegar, there are actually other foods that are helpful in relieving acid reflux. Read more about them.

You may also wish to try out changes to your diet, particularly by removing foods that trigger acid reflux symptoms. You can also consider adopting healthy eating habits as well as other lifestyle changes to deal with your condition.

There are also herbs and natural supplements that have been found to be useful for addressing acid reflux problems. Read more about them.

Usually gastroesophageal reflux problems respond well to the self-help remedies mentioned above. This means that your symptoms should clear up relatively quickly. However, if they don't, your condition might be rather serious and you might need to seek the help of a qualified practitioner in the holistic and natural healing fields to deal with your problem.

Do not ignore your GERD symptoms. Beside the discomfort and pain it may bring, acid reflux issues can also cause serious health problems in the long run.

If your heartburn symptoms are accompanied by chest pain (especially pain that radiates to the jaw, neck or arm) as well as symptoms like cold sweat, nausea, you should see your doctor immediately, to eliminate the possibility that you might just had or are going to have a heart attack. [5]

Read More: More on Acid Reflux | Natural Health Remedies for Various Ailments and Conditions | Home Page | Site Search

Need relief from acid reflux? Read the Reflux Remedy Report, where you can learn to overcome reflux using 3 common grocery items, or get a free acid reflux analysis by a medical doctor. You could also learn about a holistic system for helping you overcome acid reflux, heartburn, chest pain and discomfort, as well as other digestive disorders. You could also use natural, herbal and homeopathic remedies for acid reflux.

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[1] "Vinegar And Acid Reflux", extracted from, on 1 Oct 2013.

[2] "Apple cider vinegar for acid reflux", extracted from, on 1 Oct 2013

[3] "What the Research Really Says About Apple Cider Vinegar", extracted from, on 1 Oct 2013

[4] "Apple Cider Vinegar's Potential Health Benefits", extracted from, on 1 Oct 2013.

[5] Gottlieb, Bill. Alternative Cures: The Most Effective Natural Home Remedies for 160 Health Problems. Rodale, 2000. Print.

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