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Autism and Diet - Useful Food ChangesWhat is the link between autism and diet? Having an autistic child has been described as watching a person trapped inside their own body. For the parents of autistic children, this syndrome can be painful to watch. As parents, the desire is to give your children the best you can offer, but when your child is autistic, it can feel like no matter how hard you try, your child is isolated and alone. Thats why there are so many people who are working to improve research on autism all the time. With regard to autism and diet, many parents who have tried to alter the food intake of their autistic children have experienced some quite amazing results. One main issue in the autism and diet connection is gluten. Recent studies show that children who suffer from autism may not be able to properly digest gluten.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Autism. A note about Autism and Diet - Useful Food ChangesIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. The theory is that people who suffer from autism cannot properly digest gluten and casein, which is found in foods containing animal fats, such as milk, cheese, butter, yogurt and ice cream. When these foods are not properly digested, they can form peptides, which simulate the effect of an opiate. This causes a reaction in the person suffering from this condition. The perceptions, behavior and responses to the world around a person change. It is thought that this is how autism occurs. In other words, for children who are genetically susceptible to food allergies, the inability to digest gluten and casein can cause brain abnormalities. This link is making many parents start their children on a gluten and casein free diet, with the thought that if a child doesnt have to have these proteins in the system, speech and other symptoms of autism can improve over time. If you are considering starting your child on a gluten free diet, there are some things that you should look for and ways to be more successful in the transition. Here are some tips regarding autism and diet.
Its probably right about now that you are wondering about the flip side of autism and diet - what your child can eat when they are on a gluten and casein free diet. The good news is that anyone who is on a gluten free diet can eat plenty of organic fruits and veggies. People who are on a gluten free diet can also have eggs and lots of different types of meat protein. Organic is ideal, of course, and that applies not just to autism and diet, but to nutrition in general.
Autism and Diet - Conclusion If you are considering starting your autistic child on this type of diet, consider buying gluten free alternatives to your favorites and load up on things that you know will be safe for your child to eat, such as strawberries, apples, watermelon and peppers. By teaching your child to love the foods they can eat now, you will not only be helping to minimize their symptoms of autism, but you and your family will also reap the rewards of a healthy, gluten free diet.
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