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Searching for Autism Cures - Useful Treatments and Interventions to ConsiderAre you seeking autism cures? Here are some important areas for you to consider. While there is no evidence that a true cure has yet been discovered for autism, many children, at a later age, outgrow their diagnoses. Some researchers are sure some children do recover, though others claim they cannot be cured, but only helped with the aid of certain biomedical treatments, including diet and supplements. Many believe it is all in what would be considered a cure. A factor now being considered is the increase in the number of children not actually diagnosed as autistic, but instead, as being on the autistic spectrum, or part of a broader autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). This gives the doctor room to explore possibilities, while giving parents a credible diagnosis, and at the same time, leaving a door of hope open. The problem with running down a list of symptoms is an unfair approach, however. Children who are not autistic but only share certain characteristics are not being treated for their actual disorder.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Autism. A note about Searching for Autism Cures - Useful Treatments and Interventions to ConsiderIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. So what areas could you look into in searching for autism cures?
Diet One of the leading areas parents of autistic children target in their quest for autism cures is diet. Many find that when they eliminate such things as gluten and casein from their autistic child's diet, a noticeable transformation takes place. Though this might seem simple enough, gluten is found in a number of foods (wheat, spelt, rye, oats, barley) and all products made with them (hydrolyzed vegetable proteins, soy sauce, grain vinegars and even some natural flavorings), while casein is found in milk and all milk products as well as many hygiene products. It is a big step for most families, particularly if other siblings are involved, and this aspect of autism cures is one that has to be taken on by the whole family. Actually, in reality, this leaves a wide variety of foods remaining to choose from, including most types of meat, eggs, fruits, and a full spectrum of vegetables. Many find raw or as close to natural works best for fruits and vegetables alike, as well as organic.
Therapy In the autism cure journey, finding the right people to work with autistic children is equally important - people who will not label your child, but assess him or her and set up a work schedule geared to the child's need. In addition to private sessions for therapy, language and communication, a group session with one or two other children should be explored. While the first veil will be lifted after the diet changes, the second almost always happens here, for it is not a lack of wanting to learn that hinders those autistic, but the way their brain functions as knowledge is introduced.
Homeopathy Homeopathy offers many drug-free answers, and this field of natural healing is another treatment to explore in your search for autism cures and therapies. Those who work within the field do not see autism as a hopeless psychiatric disorder. Instead, they see children with autism as sick; in pain; and confronted with factors such as a number of digestive problems, metal and chemical toxicity, viral, bacterial and / or parasitic intrusions, as well as auto-immune problems. Their work with the autistic includes homeopathic and, to a smaller extent, herbal remedies, rather than drugs, for detoxification and the healing of the symptoms behind autism. Homeopathy practices aid the body's immune system to eliminate the causes of a child's problem, regardless of the name. As blockages and toxins are eliminated, the system recovers. As recovery of balance takes place, children improve behavior, communication, and learning. Wish to learn more about autism cures, treatments, remedies and therapies? If so, you may wish to read the other related autism articles and pages on this website.
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