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About Autism in Toddlers and BabiesHere, you will learn a little about autism in toddlers and babies / infants. Autism, or autistic spectrum disorder as it is often referred to, appears early in a child's life - before age three - preventing the child from interacting normally with his family or others. This condition is also referred to as infantile or childhood autism, and affects nearly every facet of the child's life, particularly social but also their psychological development to a great extent. It appears in boys three times as often as it does in girls. Since autism is a broad range of collective and related symptoms, it also has a wide collection of varied characteristics which can range from the very mild to the extremely intense. The behavioral patterns of autistic children are as diverse as any other children. Among the early signs of autism in toddlers and babies which parents notice and pediatricians look for as alerts are factors such as: their readiness to smile; and their inability to make their needs known through jabbering, babbles, or such gestures as pointing by the time they are a year old.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Autism. A note about About Autism in Toddlers and BabiesIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Sometimes, infants begin in a normal pattern of growth and learning, but then begin to regress. Though they smiled, pointed and interacted with their parents early on, by age 16 months they have still not begun using single words, have begun avoiding eye contact, or even act as if others (as well as other stimuli) are not around them, with their total focus inward and / or elsewhere. Researchers are studying how brain development applies to difficulties related to autism in toddlers, and how it might affect behaviors later on. As an example, they are investigating the correlation between the way autistic infants process information and how it might lead to incomplete development in areas of awareness, social skills and / or general knowledge. As autistic children enter their toddler years, it becomes all too clear they are in a world of their own. Not only do those suffering from autism in toddlers play alone, they remain unwilling to become involved, preferring to be by themselves. Autistic disorder is further characterized by various forms of repetitive interest - being ritualistic in their routine and other behaviors. Though their motor skills might be progressing, they might have trouble with how to feed themselves or graduating from diapers to underwear. In recent years, many innovative approaches to autism in toddlers and children have taken place, such as dietary changes along with an intense study into allergies, etc (milk, wheat products and / or sugar). A greater importance is being placed on nutritional supplements - vitamin B complex with extra vitamin B6, when given with magnesium, helps brain function by making neurotransmitters; while cod liver oil supplements (with vitamins A & D) improve eye contact as well as behavioral staring or spaced out look. An increase in vitamin C improves the severity of symptoms; vitamin C is also an important antioxidant that can protect the body from toxic metals like mercury, by increasing glutathione. A good multivitamin / mineral complex improves sleep and gastrointestinal problems and can also contribute to language improvements, better eye contact, and improved behavior in general for sufferers of autism in toddlers. Broadly speaking, whole food supplements are much preferred over supplements containing isolated compounds. Before any treatment is undertaken for sufferers of autism in toddlers, parents should make sure they are ready. The condition will not change without help, so the dedication must be present and intense. Get a team together - doctors, nutritionists, homeopaths and helpers. Educate yourself in different techniques that will help in all aspects of your child's life, not just the treatment. If you are not with the child 100%, he will not be able to make it on his own.
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