Benefits of Cayenne Pepper - How to Use the Cayenne Herb to Obtain ThemThis article covers ways to use the cayenne herb to obtain the benefits of cayenne pepper. The seeds and pods of the cayenne pepper plant are used in various herbal medications. Cayenne pepper is most popular for its internal use but as a thermogenic it is used externally as well. During bitter winters, in an attempt to provide protection from frostbites, people used cayenne pepper in boots or socks. For the same purposes and to increase circulation to the extremities in extremely cold climates, people drink cayenne tea.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Cayenne. A note about the Benefits of Cayenne Pepper - How to Use the Cayenne Herb to Obtain ThemHerbs are God and nature's gifts to us. While the use of herbs and herb remedies has brought excellent results for many people, do note that their health benefits may be limited when they are used in isolation. However, when combined with some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition, the impact on one's health will be greatly magnified. In natural health and healing, we believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. We also believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Mans understanding. It is thus a good idea to apply these fundamental health steps no matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem. Cayenne pepper is available in its raw form as chilies, and is also available in the form of cayenne powder, cayenne pepper capsules, and cayenne extracts and creams. Beside the tea, cayenne tincture is also soon gaining popularity across the world. As you can see, there are several ways to reap the health benefits of cayenne pepper. Cayenne Pepper Diet The cayenne pepper diet, also referred to as one of the health secrets of cayenne, is gaining tremendous popularity across the world, especially because it is effective in both weight loss and cleansing programs. The cayenne pepper diet is simple and is more like fasting rather than dieting. If you are serious about following the cayenne pepper diet, you are required to give up all other food consumption for a period of ten days. This means you will just be on cayenne tea for ten days. Also, it is important to remember not to ingest a lot of solid food at the end of this diet. It is advisable that you come back to your regular diet slowly by first taking fruit juices, soups, boiled vegetables and nuts and gradually making the transition. Cayenne Tea Cayenne tea is one specific way of obtaining the health benefits of cayenne peppers. It contains certain vitamins and minerals which work towards cleansing the digestive system and flushing out all the toxins, especially because this has a laxative effect on the system. This tea or concoction can be taken in hot or cold form. To about 32 ounces of hot water you add a little rock salt and cayenne tea powder. Prepare it like you would prepare regular tea and drink it once in the morning and once at night. Cayenne Supplements / Cayenne Herbal Supplements - Cayenne Pepper Capsules, Cayenne Tinctures, Cayenne Extract, etc Cayenne can also be taken orally, both as capsules and tinctures. There is evident from research that cayenne supplements can relieve headaches, heartburn, indigestion, and even promote weight loss. On a broad range, oral administration of cayenne has also been used to treat menstrual cramps, loss of appetite, diarrhea, alcoholism, and seasickness. Usage of cayenne as a remedy for adults For conditions such as shingles, psoriasis, arthritis, or muscle pain: Capsaicin cream, constitution being 0.025 - 0.075% of capsaicin may be applied topically to the affected area up to 3 to 4 times a day. It generally takes five to seven days before observable pain relief begins. Capsaicin is one of the main health-promoting substances found in cayenne pepper.
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