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Blood Type B Diet - DetailsWhat are some details of the Blood Type B diet? According to the book Eat Right for Your Type (Dr. Peter D'Adamo, G.P. Putnam's Son's Publishers, 2001), individuals with Blood Type B, in contrast to Type A's and Type AB's, have a strong immune system and a tolerant digestive system and tend to withstand many of the severe chronic degenerative illnesses. However, like Type A's, Type B's tend to overproduce cortisol, and react negatively to stress. Rather than internalizing stress, however, they may become overly emotional in their reaction. With respect to digestion, metabolism, and immunity, Type B's have a decided advantage. They can easily break down fats, and are less susceptible to coronary heart disease. They have high levels of the enzyme intestinal alkaline phosphotase, which strengthens bones. However, due to the fact that B antigens do not attack bacterial antigens that resemble their own, and most bacteria have B-like antigens, Type B's can be more susceptible to bacteria and viral infections like influenza, E.coli, urinary tract infections, and sinus infections. Dr. D'Adamo encourages Type B's to adopt certain lifestyle strategies to ensure proper health. Visualization works as a very powerful technique for Type B's, and should be utilized daily. With respect to personality, they are nonconformists, and should find proper outlets for this creative energy. Type B's network with ease, and should try to find meaningful connections in groups. The Blood Type B diet can be more varied than the Type A diet, as these individuals readily process both animal proteins and carbohydrates. Type Bs should avoid foods that produce intestinal toxicity and high indicans, as well as those which have high lectin levels. Foods that fall on the banned list include chicken, corn, buckwheat, lentils, peanuts, sesame seeds and tomatoes. Beneficial lycopenes can be obtained from grapefruit or guava. Dried apricots make excellent snacks in the Blood Type B diet. Many Type Bs happen to be African Americans with inherited dairy intolerances, so special care should be taken to avoid dairy products if such an allergy or lactose intolerance exists. Though Type Bs can enjoy a wide variety of meat, chicken should be avoided due to the concentration of lectins in the organ and muscle meat. Turkey can be substituted in the Blood Type B diet, as it does not display these properties. Like the other blood types, Type Bs can be either secretors or non-secretors, and should make minor adjustments to their diet accordingly. Fish and seafood provide excellent sources of protein in the Blood Type B diet. Most dairy products can be consumed unless the individual develops lactose intolerance. Over-consumption of cheese should be avoided by non-secretors. Eggs should be consumed often, as they add beneficial protein to the diet. Most beans and legumes have problematic lectins and should not be included in the diet, though some, such as kidney and navy beans, can be included. Most proteins in the Blood Type B diet should come from aforementioned sources (meats and eggs). Protein can be supplemented with nuts and seeds, with the exception of sunflower and sesame (also high in lectins). The grains and starches can be considered another red flag food for Type Bs, especially non-secretors. Many Type Bs have insulin sensitivities, and consumption of complex carbohydrates will exacerbate this condition. Whole wheat should be especially avoided. Rice based foods, like rice milk, rice bran, and rice flour, as well as millet, however, can be consumed and should be substituted where otherwise wheat would be used. Oats can also be included. Vegetables can be consumed regularly by Type Bs, especially onions. Other power produce includes artichokes and parsnips. Type Bs can be susceptible to weight gain as a result of insulin issues, so a diet rich in proper fruits will assist in weight loss. However, because of the insulin issue, fruits that have high glucose, such as grapes, figs, and dates, should be eaten in moderation. Also avoid avocadoes, persimmons, pomegranates and exotic fare like starfruit and prickly pear. Oils can generally be included in the Blood Type B diet, especially olive oil and flaxseed oil. Sesame, sunflower and corn oils should be dispensed with, for the reasons given above. Most spices have a neutral effect on the Type B constitution, though cinnamon, and pepper should not be included in the diet. Type B's do best with moderate physical exercise requiring mental balance, such as hiking, cycling, tennis, and swimming.
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