Body Cleansing Detoxification - What It Is and Why It's ImportantWhat is body cleansing detoxification, and why is it important? Detoxification, or detox, refers to the removal of potentially toxic substances from the body through a variety of means. It may refer to a diet, fast, herbal treatment or other method of removing the dietary and environmental toxins that build up over time, so as to improve general health. An increasing volume of studies and research suggest that many chemicals which we take in on a daily basis through the air, food, and water can be lodged in our bodies' fat cells. And because many of us consume poor diets which lack certain vital nutrients, the body's natural ability to eliminate these chemicals becomes impaired. This leads to a rather vicious cycle, leading to the continuing build-up of harmful toxins in the body. This cumulative burden then leads to disease and illness as well as hormonal imbalances, mental impairment or mood swings, nutritional paucities, deficient immune function, and inefficient metabolism. Some symptoms that a body cleansing detoxification may be helpful include bad breath, fatigue, indigestion, sallow or pale skin, as well as unexplained aches or muscle pain. Most detoxifications strategies work by cleansing the body, specifically by increasing elimination, cleaning the colon, enhancing circulation, and eliminating the consumption of foods that may be causing a build up of toxins or to which one may be allergic or sensitive. A good deal of focus surrounds the liver, as it serves as the main organ of body cleansing detoxification and requires a variety of nutrients to sustain, protect, and support it. Though the process of body cleansing detoxification occurs naturally, a routine (annual or seasonal) detoxification protocol can help boost the body's natural tendencies. During the process, toxins (that is, any substance which can be potentially harmful to body tissue) transform chemically into compounds which are less harmful, so that the body can excrete them via the bowels or kidneys. What are some sources of toxins? Harmful compounds include those which the body produces in the course of its normal functions; for example, when protein is broken down, ammonia is formed. They also include chemicals like food additives, drugs, heavy metals (e.g. mercury and lead), pollution, household cleaners, cigarette smoke and pesticides; these are substances which we inhale, ingest or come into contact with on a daily basis. Types of body cleansing detoxification methods vary, but all generally minimize quantities of ingested toxins while emphasizing foods which provide a wealth of nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants. Many detoxification diets also emphasize foods that help draw out and get rid of toxins through frequent urination and bowel movements (for example, pure water and foods which are high in fiber). During and after the detoxification, many people report increased energy, vibrant eyes, clearer skin, regularized bowel movements, enhanced digestion, and focused clarity and concentration. It is a good idea to consult a qualified alternative or holistic health professional before beginning any body cleansing detoxification protocol, especially if you have an underlying medical condition (such as anemia, autoimmune disease, cancer, certain genetic diseases, diabetes, eating disorders, kidney disease, terminal illness, and thyroid disease). Pregnant or nursing women or children should not try one of the more radical detox diets, as their bodies have special nutritional requirements best addressed by a qualified health practitioner. Finally, most detox diets do not address the specific concerns involved in alcohol or drug detoxification. Some side effects may be experienced when initiating the diet, including a mild or persistent headache. This may be due to withdrawal, as from caffeine or sugar. Thus, many experts advise beginning the diet on a weekend or during a period when additional relaxation may be taken.
Read More: About Detoxification and Cleansing - General Discussion | Specific Organs to Detox and Cleanse | Specific Internal Detox Methods and Protocols | Specific External Detox Methods and Protocols | Specific Toxins to Detox | Full Body Detox - How To Detox Your Body | Home Page | Site Search
Wish to learn more about cleansing and detoxification after reading about body cleansing detoxification? Have you heard of the 10-day Master Cleanse, the 12 steps to a complete body detox, or the definitive detox diet? Do you know how to detox to lose weight, or to detox your body at all levels in 5 minutes without ingesting anything? You could also discover the supposed body detox secret, or learn about colon cleansing as undertaken by a former toxic colon victim.
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