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Crohn's Disease and Pregnancy - DiscussionWhat is the connection between Crohn's disease and pregnancy? Pregnant women with Crohn's disease can conceive and bear children normally provided they take the recommended precautions. According to health professionals, the course of pregnancy and even delivery is not impaired in women who suffer from Crohn's disease. It is advisable, though, for pregnant women with Crohn's disease to discuss their conditions with care, because unborn children can be more severely affected as compared to adults. The ailment can lead to stunted growth and, at times, delayed sexual development. It has been proven that women with ulcerative colitis experience normal fertility, though with Crohn's disease, fertility may be reduced or even non-existent (i.e. infertility), especially when the disease is active.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Crohn's Disease. A note about Crohn's Disease and Pregnancy - DiscussionIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. One point about the Crohn's disease and pregnancy link is that women with Crohn's disease should try as much as possible to get pregnant during the remission period. While flare-ups or attacks may occur during pregnancy, they are often mild and respond well to medical treatment. According to health professionals, medical treatment using Sulphasalazine or steroids such as Prednisone has not shown any adverse side effects when administered during pregnancy. Some doctors may advise women not to get pregnant while on treatment so as avoid theoretical risks, even though according to heath researchers, several women have gone through successful pregnancies while taking the drugs. All the same, women with inactive Crohn's disease should stop taking medication during pregnancy and use it only in the event of an attack. Before getting pregnant, a Crohn's woman should discuss treatment matters with health care providers, because they are best placed to take care of her personal medical information and treatment requirements. Other women with this disease who conceive during remission may experience several symptoms during the third trimester, though most women suffer flare ups immediately after they give birth. It is believed that this occurs due to hormonal changes. These are a few interesting points to take note of regarding Crohn's disease and pregnancy. If you are one of the many women who wonder how they will cope with the disease and whether it can hurt your unborn child, then you should relax because researchers reveal that Crohn's rarely interferes with pregnancy and delivery. In fact, in a good number of cases, pregnancy improves a woman's chances of being symptom-free. These are other important Crohn's disease and pregnancy points to note. One thing, though, about Crohn's disease and pregnancy is that the ailment affects the absorption of nutrients, therefore a pregnant woman may be forced to take in more folic acid than usual to facilitate the normal development of the fetus. Folic acid occurs naturally in spinach, whole grains and organ meats such as turkey and chicken livers. Other natural foods that supply folic acid include beans, broccoli, green peas, nuts, wheat germ and bananas. The disease may not affect most children who are born to women afflicted with Crohn's disease, but there are a few that develop it later in their lives. Indeed, the chances of getting Crohn's disease are very high for children whose parents are both sufferers of the disease - this is an indirect Crohn's disease and pregnancy link. The sure way for a pregnant woman to manage Crohn's disease is to eat a balanced diet packed with natural foods that include fatty acids and lots of vitamins. This will be beneficial for the mother by naturally easing the symptoms of the disease, and will be good for the growing fetus as well.
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