Natural Cure for Hives - Home Remedies and TreatmentsAre you seeking a natural cure for hives? Hives, also known as urticaria, are an outbreak of rash-like red swollen lesions that can appear on the skin right before your eyes, literally changing from minute to minute.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Hives. A note about Natural Cure for Hives - Home Remedies and TreatmentsIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Generally, hives are the body's reaction to allergens, although stress and other lifestyle factors can play an equally important role, too. The most common cause of hives is histamine. The immune system's production of the chemical histamine is the body's defense against allergens triggered by certain foods, such as strawberries, peanuts, fish, eggs, beef, shellfish, soy, citrus, milk and fruits. Various drugs or exposure to chemicals (including common household products like laundry or dish soap) can also cause hives. For long-term relief from this disruptive condition, a screening for allergens should be conducted by your health care practitioner and addressed for a long term cure for hives. Hives may also be caused by extreme heat or cold, exercise, or the sweating that can be the result of it. Sometimes, new or tight clothes, medications, emotional or physical stress, or the stress that is caused due to other health problems or diseases are responsible. It is also quite possible that the sufferer may never know why he has hives. The most common areas for hives to appear are the legs, arms or trunk of the body, though they can appear anywhere, lasting for as little as a few hours to several days. Though there are pharmaceutical drugs prescribed for hives, there are also numerous natural remedies which can contribute as a useful cure for hives. They are based on the restoration of the body's biochemical balance, making dietary and lifestyle changes and incorporating aids such as herbs or homeopathic remedies and treatments. Quercetin, a flavonoid derived from plants, has anti-inflammatory as well as antioxidant properties and works by reducing the effects of histamines. Nettle leaf is well known as a natural antihistamine. Burdock root helps in the healing of the skin as well as its detoxification. Daily chamomile supplements help one cope with hives outbreaks through the relief of discomfort and / or itching. The herb milk thistle works to prevent hives and to cleanse / detoxify the liver. As you can see, there are numerous natural treatments and herbal remedies which could be the cure for hives you are seeking. Acute hives that last as short as a day to several weeks and chronic hives lasting six weeks or longer have one thing in common - they itch. Some claim it is an itch like no other. For the immediate control of itching, try calamine lotion, aloe vera gel, or ice cubes applied to the affected areas. Baby oil (non-scented) can help ease itching, as can hydrogen peroxide. They are both used in the healing process also. While not really a cure for hives per se, these remedies will help provide considerable relief from your discomfort. Cayenne pepper, in capsule form, turmeric, and L-Lycine (good for chronic hives) can all help heal your hives. And in a pinch, with help needed quickly, Benadryl can be helpful if the hives have been caused due to an allergen, though it is only for relief and not for the long term. Hive sufferers should boost their immune system with vitamins C and E or zinc for quick relief; these nutrients can help in your search for a cure for hives. Other treatment choices can include acupressure, pinpointing the trapezius muscle between the shoulders and the neck. Severe hives accompanied by difficult breathing or wheezing are almost always medical emergencies. Seek medical help right away for such situations. Need more ideas in your search for a natural cure for hives? Learn more about this condition by reading the other related hives articles and pages on this website.
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