Different Types of Viruses - Information and Prevention

Here, you will learn a little about different types of viruses.

A virus (a toxin or poison) is an infectious agent that reproduces within a host cell. They infect organisms of all types - animals, plants and archaea (single cell organisms).

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A note about Different Types of Viruses - Information and Prevention

In natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases.

In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies.

Their origin is unclear, but they are found wherever there is life. Since the discovery of the tobacco mosaic virus (first virus studied) in 1898, some 5,000 types of viruses have been discovered. Viruses are, by far, the most prolific type of living organism on the planet.

The sole purpose of a virus is to replace itself. They do, however, need a host in order to accomplish this. In the process of this invasion, the virus destroys the original cell and proceeds to reproduce at a phenomenal rate.

They are made up of two to three parts, depending on their type. All the different types of viruses have genes made from either DNA or RNA (genetic information), and a protein coating for protection; still others are wrapped in fat when they are outside a cell. Their shapes vary from the very simple to the more complex.

Here are descriptions of some of the different types of viruses.

  • Helical are composed of a single type of protein (capsomer) round a middle axis; it may have a hollow tube or middle cavity. The tobacco mosaic virus is an example of this simple virus.

  • Icosahedra (three dimensional geometric with 20 sides) are the type of virus most animals get. They are spherical in shape with almost perfect symmetry.

  • Of the different types of viruses, some have the ability to envelope themselves in what is known as a viral envelope that protects them from being attacked and destroyed by the natural immune system of their host body. HIV as well as the flu virus are capable of this.

  • A complex virus shell (capsid) falls neither into the category of the helical nor the icosahedra and may possess structure similarities to each of the above species.

  • Examples of some of the more common viral illnesses easily passed from one to another are: HIV, AIDS, rabies, influenza, bronchitis, meningitis, phenomena, mononucleosis, genital herpes, abscesses, chicken pox / shingles, West Nile virus, genital human papilloma, SARS.

In learning about different types of viruses, here are some important pointers from a health perspective.

  • Because viruses spread in so many ways, it is important to enforce safe hygiene practices within the home, school or workplace. Washing hands frequently is the number one preventative measure we can take, and covering coughs and sneezes in the elbow or shoulder is number two.

  • Different types of viruses do not respond to most medications, even antibiotics, so the best medicine is preventative through natural resources. Get plenty of sleep, for during this time, the body releases substances which enhance as well as strengthen immune function; this aids the repair and growth of the body.

  • Keep fit with moderate and regular exercise as this increases blood flow, circulating oxygen, antibodies, and much needed vitamins and minerals to keep the body healthy enough to fight off viruses.

  • The intestines are a vital part of remaining healthy, and it is imperative they be kept clean for optimal performance in appropriating the nutrients our bodies need. This entails eating a healthy diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains (all good sources of fiber, and vitamins E, C and A), as well as good protein choices - lean meats, soy, legumes and nuts.

  • Lastly, do not forget to drink plenty of pure water. The body is over 75% water and cannot survive without it. Sufficient amounts of water help keep the body cleansed and also help fight fatigue. Water is an important step against the attack of different types of viruses.

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Different Types of Viruses - Information and Prevention

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