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Foods to Avoid with Gastritis - Useful Diet TipsWhat are some foods to avoid with gastritis? Gastritis is an inflammation (swelling, irritation) of the stomach lining, and chronic gastritis is the persistent infection / inflammation of the same. Its main symptoms are dizziness, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, and / or vomiting. There may also be pain, a feeling of discomfort in your stomach, and / or heartburn that seems to move up into your throat, and in more chronic cases, an extreme feeling of fullness, bloating and burping after eating. Gastritis may be brought about by the intake of alcoholic beverages, various medications (aspirin, ibuprofen and strong drugs), strong acids (tomatoes, citrus and their juices), caustic substances (including things sour), some types of injuries, as well as a strain of bacteria (H pylori). It may also follow some types of diseases or infections, such as measles, viral pneumonia or influenza.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Gastritis. A note about Foods to Avoid with Gastritis - Useful Diet TipsIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Lifestyles that promote such factors as habitual overeating; eating improperly cooked or combined foods; large quantities of carbonated drinks; strong tea and / or coffee; and the overuse or large quantities of condiments (including pickles) or rich creams, sauces or gravies, are often the culprit, along with worry, anxiety, grief, and prolonged tension. Even smoking can add to its aggravation. Chronic or prolonged illness often results in weight loss, anemia and possibly stomach hemorrhage. So what are some foods to avoid with gastritis? While the stomach is in an inflamed condition, stay away from certain foods - this will save on irritation and pain, while helping to aid the healing process. Spicy, oily or fried foods are some foods to avoid with gastritis, and they should be avoided whether or not symptoms are present. They are harsh on the stomach lining in anyone. Also, sugary foods (cakes and pastries), red pepper and red meat can cause problems, as can cocoa, chocolate, peppermint and some seasonings (onions, garlic, cinnamon, cloves). Certainly, sugary foods are not only foods to avoid with gastritis, but also foods to avoid in general for overall good health. Other foods that cause gas as well as stomach lining aggravation are some fruits, broccoli, cabbage, and cooked dry beans. Drink lots of water as you recuperate. Keep your intake of milk and dairy products to less than three servings per day, choosing low-fat or fat-free versions whenever possible to help control stomach acid production. In fact, if you can, it's probably a good idea to avoid dairy products. Use the BRAT diet in extreme cases - bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. Aside from simply staying away from certain foods to avoid with gastritis, try putting the following tips into practice in the effort to help yourself beat the control the condition has over you. Eat smaller and more frequent meals, having heavier or big meals before 3:00 in the afternoon and having nothing three hours before bed unless it is raw fruits or vegetables. Since eating high fiber foods does not seem to trouble affected areas, include them for their healing properties. Each person will respond differently to assorted foods and beverages during an episode of gastritis, so pay attention and determine the foods you are more susceptible to. In other words, formulate your own personal list of foods to avoid with gastritis. Avoid them during acute periods, and cut down on them at all other times. Avoid sleeping or lying down / bending after a meal, but relax by reading or listening to music. Be active instead of sitting in one place for long periods of time. A brisk walk for 30 minutes will work to your good. For more tips and ideas on foods to avoid with gastritis in your daily diet, read the other related gastritis articles and pages on this website.
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