Herbal Dietary Supplements harness the health and healing properties of herbs, which are truly Nature's Medicine

by Webmaster, All4NaturalHealth.com

On this page, I explain why I like herbs, and highlight the benefits of herbal dietary supplements.

If you are looking to purchase natural health supplements of good quality, click here for what, in my view, are a few reliable online sources of effective health supplements.


Herbal dietary supplements form a significant portion of the health supplement market. As its name suggests, a herbal nutritional supplement is made from herbs.

Herbal supplements, like herbs, are just high quality whole foods

Herbs are basically whole foods, plucked from the ground or elsewhere in Nature. They thus exhibit all the plus points which make me go for whole food supplements instead of isolated single-substance supplements.

But herbs are better than ordinary foods. They seem to have more concentrated amounts of nutrients and stronger healing properties. Herbs are surely Nature's gift to us.

More about herbs

Man has used plants and herbs for medicine for thousands of years. And this is something common to various cultures on the different continents. This is a clear sign that herbs do work.

Those who believe in a higher being would say that our Creator has, by design, placed herbs on Earth for Man's use, to promote health and healing. I agree with this viewpoint. Almost all spiritual texts mention the use of plants and herbs for food and healing.

Herbal dietary supplements, if properly formulated and produced, tap on the wisdom and healing properties of herbs. There are even some who believe that, for every ailment and health condition, there are herbs which can be used to address the problem. Some herb remedies and herbal cures for certain specific health conditions are talked about on this website. .

In fact, modern prescription drugs are formulated based on the mechanics or "active ingredients" found in certain plants and herbs. That being the case, I would virtually always favor using the original medicine given by Nature, especially given that it is safer and usually more effective. I do so by either taking the herbs directly, drinking herbal teas, or taking natural herbal health products (i.e. herbal nutritional supplements).

My own experience with herbs and herb supplements

Herbs have very diverse effects. Over the years, I have taken a variety of herbs and herbal formulas for many different purposes - for strengthening my digestive system, for bowel regularity, as a nutritional supplement, for detoxification, to refresh my mind, etc - largely to very good effect.

In general, I can say that I love herbs and herbal dietary supplements. Click here to read about some of my favorite natural healing herbs, herbal formulas and foods .

Of course, the quality of herbs used must be top-notch in order to produce the required effects.

If you haven't already done so, click here to read some of my thoughts on how to seek out quality natural supplements which are more likely to be safe and effective.

Click here for links to, in my opinion, reliable online sources of safe, high quality and effective natural health supplements, including herbal supplements.

Read More: Natural Health Supplements - What to Consider | Nutrition Health Articles - Foods, Diets, Supplements, Nutrients and more | Information on some Herbs | Favorite Herbs, Herbals Formulas and Foods | Body Detox | About Food, Diet and Nutrition | Good Health Habits and Tips | Home Page | Site Search

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