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Herbs for Cancer - Using a Herbal Cancer TreatmentUnknown to many, Nature has provided us with some useful herbs for cancer, which is one of the most prevalent and frightening diseases in today's society. Nothing strikes dread into the heart of a patient quite like the word cancer. Due to the medical industry, cancer has been built up and portrayed as a disease that only medical treatments have any real chance of beating. However, an herbal cancer treatment using the right herbs not only match, but vastly exceed all medical treatments in terms of cancer fighting ability. In fact, the statistics for conventional cancer treatment is utterly dismal. A Cancer Discussion - The Real Cause Of Cancer Here, I want to emphasize an important point - to effectively fight cancer, you have to understand its origin. Cancer is not a disease that a person simply 'gets'. Cancer is a disease that sets foot in a body that has degenerated to such a low point that it can no longer expel cancerous cells from itself. Most people get cancer over a period of 5, 10, 20, or 30 years. Cancer is a whole-body disease. Thus, to beat cancer, you have to use a broad spectrum, whole-body approach. While there have been people who have recovered using herbs for cancer, the use of an herbal treatment for cancer is only one part of this total protocol and its results will be limited when used in isolation. If one trawls through the decades of scientific research, one would realize that there are literally hundreds of different plants which have been proven in laboratory trials to have anti-cancer effects, and thus would be useful in some way as cancer herbs to fight the disease. However, herbs do not cure cancer per se - no cancer herb can "cure" the disease. In fact, nothing external can cure cancer, or any disease in the body for that matter; only the body can ultimately heal itself, when it is given the right environment and support to do so. Thus, the use of herbs for cancer, or for any disease, must be taken in the right context. Presently, this website does not cover the topic of cancer extensively. However, just as for any other chronic, degenerative disease, the fundamental aspects of natural health and healing as well as a basic list of good lifestyle and dietary health habits can go a long way in helping the body's recovery from the dreaded disease.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Cancer. A note about Herbs for Cancer - Using a Herbal Cancer TreatmentIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Top Cancer Herbs Garlic Often underestimated because it is common, garlic is the number one anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitical herb. If something in the body needs killing, garlic is the herb for the job. Garlic is so powerful that people have killed their cancer from eating garlic alone. If you have cancer, you need to be eating a minimum of 3-5 cloves of raw garlic per day. Eight cloves per day is a minimum if you are deathly ill. Garlic is an herb that you cannot take too much of. Dr Richard Schulze, the master herbalist and successful natural healer, strongly advocates the liberal use of garlic to aid and strengthen the body. He has even gone as far as to say that if he is to use only one program or food for healing, it would be garlic. Thats how powerful garlic can be as an herbal remedy for cancer. Garlic is truly one of the most powerful herbs for cancer fighting, as well as battling other diseases. When you are seriously ill, then the more garlic you are eating, the better. If you have cancer, you are best off eating 8, 12, 16, 20, or even more cloves per day. Having reeking garlic breath is a small price to pay for beating cancer. It is critical you use high quality organic garlic which is potent and raw. Organically grown garlic usually has stronger health properties. Quality garlic is hard, and its cloves are white. A good quality bulb of garlic will have around 12, large cloves, with each clove being around an inch long and as thick as an adults thumb. Garlic which has many small cloves (as many as 30 to 50) as well as being yellowish in color, is usually of inferior quality. Chaparral Chaparral is another one of the top herbs for cancer that has been used for centuries. Chaparral is a shrub that is abundant in the Mojave desert area. Chaparral is a powerful anti cancer herb, and is also a powerful liver stimulant. Chaparral will flush up any toxins that are buried in your liver. If this herb is not being used in a program of natural healing, the illusion of causing liver damage can be created, which has resulted in chaparral being labeled as dangerous by various government agencies. Red Clover Red Clover is yet another useful tool in using an herbal treatment for cancer. It is a powerful anti cancer herb that grows like a weed in many areas of the world. Red clover can be used in tincture, tea, or poultice form. If you have cancer, the more red clover you are getting, the better. You need to use the blossoms when they are still a rich purple. Poke Root Poke root is an extremely powerful anti-cancer and anti-tumor herb that can literally burn a tumor away. Poultices containing poke root have been used by great natural healers to literally dissolve external tumors, such as in cases of breast cancer. This herb is considered dangerous by the FDA, but not by natural healers who have used it as one of the main herbs for cancer treatment and cure for many centuries. It is also a powerful detoxification herb that will flush toxins up and out of the lymphatic system. Echinacea Echinacea is the most powerful herb for stimulating the immune system, which is vital if you want to beat cancer. Real echinacea produces a powerful tingling, and even numbing sensation within the mouth. Most echinacea preparations are so weak that they will barely help you to fight a cold, much less cancer. You need to make your own preparations, or buy a quality echinacea product. Although echinacea is not one of the anti cancer herbs per se, its powerful immune boosting properties make it a must-have weapon in any cancer battle. Summing up the use of herbs for cancer It is important to note that the herbs for cancer discussed above are some of the most powerful herbs known to fight cancer. Some of them are herbs that destroy cancer cells; some help to clean up or strengthen the body; some do both. But they are also the herbs most discredited and even banned by the medical establishment. The way I see it, this is due to a combination of a few factors. Firstly, natural and herbal remedies which work threaten the profits of conventional medicine, which makes the most money pushing drugs and surgeries to chronically ill (and often bankrupt) patients. This applies to any cancer herbal remedy, or any useful herbal remedy in general. Secondly, many people in conventional medicine, researchers and doctors alike, many of them well-meaning people, are just ignorant of the possibilities of natural health alternatives / natural health and healing. They have been schooled in allopathic medicine, which is extremely different in its operating philosophy. Conventional medicine repairs, fixes, cuts, removes, covers and masks symptoms; it does not deal with the root causes of diseases, nor does it aid the body in healing itself, in carrying out ultimate healing. These people only read mainstream medical journals and materials, which of course protect their vested interests, and only talk about their own methods, such as chemical drugs. Powerful herbs for cancer, or any good herbs for that matter, tend to evoke the strongest reactions from the body, as it starts to clean and heal itself. Thus, for those who are unfamiliar with natural healing, it is very easy to mistake these as dangerous side effects of the herbs. Then there is arrogance. Despite their poor results when it comes to dealing with chronic diseases when I say dealing with, I mean curing there is an astonishing amount of arrogance within mainstream medicine. Often, the more educated and highly qualified a doctor or researcher, the worst his or her close-mindedness could be. For those of you who have interacted with many medical doctors on this issue, you will definitely know what I mean. Greed, ignorance and arrogance this, to me, is a lethal combination. And its not limited to herbal remedies or natural remedies for cancer it applies widely to anything which works but is not considered part of conventional medicine. Its a recipe which is causing the unnecessary and premature suffering and deaths of millions of people worldwide. Its a sad state of affairs. There are many websites which concentrate on cancer healing. Two which I like and recommend are Cancer Tutor and Healing Cancer Naturally. If you are looking at taking a broad-based natural approach to treating and healing cancer, over and beyond the use of herbs for cancer, I suggest that you read these two websites thoroughly. Cancer is a serious illness, but your body can cure itself of any serious or even incurable disease believe it! For those of you with cancer, or whose loved one has cancer, time is ticking away, so get learning, moving, and changing soon, very soon!
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Click here for natural, herbal and homeopathic remedies for cancer help To read more about cancer, visit Cancer Research Information.com.
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