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HPV Natural Treatment - Useful Tips and Home RemediesUsing an HPV natural treatment could help you overcome this condition quickly and return back to normal life as soon as possible. About 30% of all STDs transmitted will be HPV, and about 5.5 million new cases occur each year. This is a very serious issue that cannot be taken lightly, so making sure you're thinking about the proper treatment protocol will be important.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Human Papillomavirus (HPV). A note about HPV Natural Treatment - Useful Tips and Home RemediesIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. The following are some of the best methods to use that help deal with HPV naturally.
Vitamin E One of the most popular methods that is used to treat HPV is rubbing over some vitamin E onto the warts themselves. Vitamin E has been known to help moisturize the skin and will help to soften the wart itself so it will eventually disappear. To use this HPV natural treatment, look for a natural vitamin E product and rub this over the infected area two to three times a day for best results.
Aloe Vera Juice Another quick and easy method to help treat HPV is to apply aloe vera juice to the warts. Aloe vera is a popular ingredient that softens the skin and improves the overall health and feel. It's important to note that this HPV natural treatment is for external use only - the juice is not to be consumed orally.
Apple Cider Vinegar Some individuals also get great results adding apple cider vinegar to the warts, which helps to dry them up while fighting the infection in the process. You may find while doing this that the skin around the area does become quite tight and dry, so it's something you need to be prepared to deal with. All in all, apple cider vinegar is a useful home remedy for many different health ailments.
Beta Carotene Beta carotene, which is commonly known as one of the main nutrients found in carrots, is another way to go about treating HPV naturally. This HPV natural treatment method can either be applied directly onto the skin, or you can also take it in orally, either through the consumption of foods that are rich in beta carotene or through supplemental form.
Castor Oil This likely isn't a treatment that you would think of normally, but it can actually go a long way towards speeding up your recovery process. The first treatment method that utilizes castor oil is to mix it with some baking soda to form a solution that is then applied directly to the warts, with the exception of genital warts, and let sit for several hours throughout the day. The second of the HPV natural treatments that involve the use of castor oil is placing it on the wart and then taping a slice of garlic over the wart and letting this sit overnight. The castor oil serves the purpose of moisturizing the wart, while the acid in the garlic helps to dry out the wart itself, so in the morning when you remove the bandage, it should fall right off.
Conclusion There are a great number of different natural treatments for HPV, so do give some consideration to each one. It's more than likely that you will be able to find a HPV natural treatment procedure that works well for yourself, and that gets you past the issues with this STD. More tips, remedies and potential natural cures for HPV are discussed in the other related HPV articles and pages.
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Click here for more pages and articles on Human Papillomavirus (HPV).
Some Related Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Pages What Causes HPV - Discussion, Herbs and Herbal Remedies Symptoms and Signs of HPV - Learn to Spot Them HPV Virus in Men - Information, Health Effects, Symptoms, Prevention, Remedies, Treatment Natural Cures for HPV - Useful Tips and Remedies HPV Natural Treatment - Useful Tips and Home Remedies Anti HPV Cream - Discussion on this Treatment
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