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Tips for Juice Fast and DetoxificationA juice fast is perhaps the best form of detoxification, and can last anywhere from 1 to 3 days, to even 1 to 3 months. During such a detox fast, one would only be drinking only fruit and vegetable juices throughout the day. Pure water and herbal teas are fine, too. There should be strictly no refined sugar and other processed foods or beverages. Because fruit and vegetable juices are so concentrated in nutrients and antioxidants, one would not be nutritionally deprived at all. In fact, one would be getting a lot more nutrients than on a normal diet! That is why some people call it 'juice flushing', or 'juice feasting', instead of 'juice fasting'. However, one thing that will be lacking during a juice fast is calories, and one may feel a little cold from time to time. Therefore, some recommend that a juice fast be undertaken during the warm months of spring or summer. Also, keep warm, and you may want to carry a sweater with you all the time. Prior to undertaking a juice detox fast, approximately a week in advance, the individual is asked to eliminate stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, sugar, and food items of diary, wheat, animal meat, fish, etc from the diet. The diet recommended during this phase is only organic vegetables, fruits and beans. Nuts, seeds, sprouts and fresh juices are fine, too. This is required to acclimatize the body for the juice detox which is to follow. Once the juice detox commences, the total intake of juice per day is recommended at 32 to 65 ounces, which is about 1 to 2 liters, throughout the fasting period. In fact, more is typically not a problem. There are cases of people drinking 4 liters or more per day. Drink to your heart's content, until you are no longer hungry. Drink as much as you can stomach, and as much as you can afford. The fruit and vegetable juices recommended during a juice detox plan are juices from carrots, kale, cabbage, celery, apples, pineapple, spinach, cranberry, beets, tomatoes and an assortment of greens of your choice. Citrus fruits are fine too, while foods like wheat grass are very detoxifying and healthful. Green vegetables and sprouts should figure prominently on the juice fast detox plan as they contain chlorophyll, which boosts detoxification. Often, carrot juice forms the base of many juices - carrot is sometimes referred to as the king of vegetables, and it is highly nutritious. It has tremendous healing and antioxidant properties, too. When on a juice fast, mix and match! Juicing can be very fun, and you can try experimenting with different types of juice combinations. You will almost surely come across some recipes which you will love. As a broad guide, use your taste buds as your guide. A glass of pure celery juice, pure spinach juice or pure wheat grass juice is too much to take for most of us. That would be a sign for us to add in some juices which are more palatable, for example carrot juice or apple juice. Again, be daring, and feel free to mix and match. Generally speaking, it is also okay to mix vegetable and fruit juices (mixing juices is fine, although it is not generally recommended to eat both fruits and vegetables at the same time). Organic fruits and vegetables are ideally suited for detoxification. Organic, after all, contains a lot more nutrients, and also contains less harmful substances and compounds, such as chemical pesticides. However, if organic is unavailable, the fruits and vegetables should be scrubbed and washed in natural, non-toxic cleaners prior to preparation. While on a juice diet, one should also drink plenty of pure water to aid in detoxification. At least six to eight glasses of water per day, or even more, is recommended. This should ideally be at room temperature, in addition to the liquids ingested as juices, during the detox plan. If fasting on juices is too rigorous for a beginner to commence, this can be variegated by adding one meal a day, and juice for the rest of the day. Once the juice fast detox plan is successfully completed, there should be a gentle, gradual return to solid food, starting with raw and easily digestible salads. Juice fasting and detoxification is not as intense as a water detox or water fast, and it can bring amazing healing, health, vitality and energy to a person. The stories of recovery for juice fasting cover a whole host of different chronic and degenerative diseases, including very serious ones like cancer. On top of that, one's complexion will improve and have a natural radiant glow. It's fun and delicious, too!
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Wish to learn more about cleansing and detoxification after reading about juice fast and detoxification? Have you heard of the 10-day Master Cleanse, the 12 steps to a complete body detox, or the definitive detox diet? Do you know how to detox to lose weight, or to detox your body at all levels in 5 minutes without ingesting anything? You could also discover the supposed body detox secret, or learn about colon cleansing as undertaken by a former toxic colon victim.
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