Low Glycemic Food List
by Webmaster, All4NaturalHealth.com
This page provides a low glycemic food list, i.e. a list of some foods which have glycemic index (GI) values of 55 or less. Low glycemic foods release glucose from digested carbohydrates into the bloodstream at a relatively slower rate than foods with higher values on the glycemic index. In general, low glycemic diets and foods are associated with many health benefits, particularly in terms of disease prevention. Please note that these values were compiled from online sources, and they had been obtained from specific tests on specific pieces of food and do not reflect the glycemic index values for all of those foods. Do also note that specific versions of a particular food may have high GI, while other versions of that same food may have low GI, i.e. some foods have a very wide range of GI values. Thus, for example, different GI values are shown for a particular type of food, for example barley, or dried apricots. For your quick information, here is a general and condensed low glycemic food list.
Fruits - mostly low GI, with some in the mid-range; watermelons, however, have high GI. Green leafy vegetables - they are not listed on this page, although they likely have low GI. Beans and legumes - almost all beans and legumes have low glycemic values. Nuts - they usually have low or no GI value. Breads which are wholegrain or wholemeal in nature - these tend to be in the low to mid glycemic range. Meats - these usually have low or no GI value. Yoghurts Milk Soy milkFor a more comprehensive glycemic index listing of foods, click here.
Grains, Rice Barley - 22-50 Barley - 37-48 Buckwheat - 45-51 Quinoa, boiled - 53 Rice, brown - 50 Rice, long grain - 38-47 Rice, white - 55 Rice, white, boiled - 48-53 Rye - 29-39 Wheat, whole - 30-48
Other Staple Foods Chapatti - 27-49 Lasagna, various - 20-47 Linguine - 43-53 Macaroni - 45-48 Muesli - 40-55 Muesli, wheat-free & gluten-free - 50 Noodles, instant - 46-48 Noodles, mung bean, dried, boiled - 39 Noodles, soba - 46 Noodles, udon - 48 Pizzas, various - 36-49 Porridge, oats - 50-55 Spaghetti, white - 27-53 Spaghetti, wholemeal - 32-42 Tortillas, corn - 39-52 Tortillas, wheat - 28-30
Breads Bread, barley kernel, various kinds - 27-48 Bread, barley, wholemeal - 43-53 Bread, honey and oats - 55 Bread, multi-grain - 43 Bread, oat bran - 44-50 Bread, rye, wholemeal - 41-55 Bread, white - 55 Bread, wholemeal - 53
Fruits and Dried Fruits Apples, raw - 28-44 Apricots, dried - 30-32 Apricots, dried - 31-32 Bananas, over-ripe - 48-52 Bananas, raw - 46 Bananas, under-ripe - 30-42 Cherries, raw - 22 Dates, packed - 36-45 Grapefruits, raw - 25 Grapes, raw - 23-49 Mangoes, raw - 41-51 Oranges, raw - 31-51 Peaches, canned - 30-52 Peaches, dried - 35 Peaches, raw - 28 Pears, canned - 43-44 Pears, dried - 43 Pears, raw - 33-42 Pineapples, raw - 51 Plums, raw - 24-53 Prunes, pitted - 29 Strawberries, raw - 40
Vegetables Carrots, peeled, boiled - 41 Carrots, raw - 16 Potatoes, white - 41-54 Sweet potatoes - 44-48 Yams - 25-51
Beans, Legumes, Lentils, Peas Baked beans, canned - 40 Black beans - 20-30 Blackeyed beans, boiled - 33-50 Butter beans - 28-36 Butter beans, canned - 36 Butter beans, dried, boiled - 30-54 Chickpeas - 32-42 Chickpeas, canned - 38 Kidney beans - 13-52 Lentils - 18-37 Lentils, brown, canned - 42 Lima beans - 32 Mung beans - 25-53 Navy beans - 29-39 Peas, dried, boiled - 22 Peas, frozen, boiled - 39-51 Pinto beans - 39-45 Soya beans - 14-20
Nuts Cashew nuts - 25-27 Cashew nuts, salted - 42 Mixed nuts, with raisins and fruits 15-49 Peanuts - 7-23
Meats Sausages - 28 Sushi, salmon - 48
Soups Tomato soup - 38
Bars Fruit bars and snacks, various - 35-50 Snickers bar - 41 Snickers energy bar - 34-50 Snickers low carb energy bar - 20-21 Snickers nutrition bar - 41-49
Biscuits, Chips, Cookies, Crackers Biscuits, Digestive - 55 Biscuits, oatmeal - 55 Chips, corn - 42 Cookies, fruit - 47 Cookies, fruit - 47 Cookies, oatmeal - 54 Cookies, various - 25-42 Crackers, cheddar cheese - 54 Crackers, high-calcium - 52
Cakes, Muffins, Pastries Cake, banana - 47-55 Cake, pound - 54 Muffin, apple - 44-54
Yoghurts and Probiotics Probiotic drink - 30-34 Yoghurt, low-fat - 34-53 Yoghurt, non-fat or low-fat - 14-28 Yoghurt, probiotic - 44-52 Yoghurt, various - 11-54
Other Snacks Fruit strips - 29
Fruit Juices Apple juice, unsweetened - 39-44 Carrot juice, fresh - 43 Fruit juices, packets - 37-47 Orange juice, packet - 46-53 Orange juice, unsweetened - 53 Pineapple juice, unsweetened - 46 Tomato juice, canned - 38
Beverages (others) Milk, chocolate, various - 35-49 Milk, cow, full-fat - 11-40 Milk, cow, skimmed or semi-skimmed - 25-48 Milk, soy - 36-46 Milo - 52-55
Honey, Jams, Spreads and Syrups Fruit spreads, no sugar added - 26-29 Jam, strawberry - 51 Maple syrup - 54
Others Fructose - 11-25 Lactose - 43-48
Click here for a more comprehensive glycemic index listing of various foods.
Read More: More on the Glycemic Index | Understanding Nutrition and its Importance | Nutrition Health Articles - Foods, Diets, Supplements, Nutrients and more | Information on some Herbs | Favorite Herbs, Herbals Formulas and Foods | Natural Health Supplements - What to Consider | Home Page | Site Search
Want to learn how to quickly and easily make delicious, gluten-free, low-glycemic meals? Click here to access a gluten-free low-glycemic cookbook, especially useful for diabetics and allergy sufferers. Includes meat, vegetarian and vegan choices.
Here is another resource - a beginner's answer guide, providing an overview on the glycemic index and how to use it to become healthier and lose weight.
Glycemic Index-related Pages
What is the Glycemic Index? - the glycemic index explained | Benefits of Low Glycemic Diets and Low Glycemic Food | Glycemic Index of Foods - limitations of the value | Eating Low Glycemic Foods - some tips | Glycemic Index Listing of Foods | Low Glycemic Food List | High Glycemic Foods to Avoid or Cut Down on
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