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Tips for Macular Degeneration HelpAre you seeking macular degeneration help? Age related macular degeneration, or AMD (or ARMD), is caused by the deterioration of the central retina, which is the part of the retina that we use for reading, facial recognition, driving and close work of any kind.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Macular Degeneration. A note about Tips for Macular Degeneration HelpIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. There are basically two kinds of this disease, and these are known as dry and wet macular degeneration. The dry form of AMD seriously affects the eyes but does not necessarily lead to blindness. More than sixty percent of people with AMD who are registered blind, have the wet form of the disease. AMD is a serious problem that affects millions of Americans every year. If you are over forty five, then you could benefit from macular degeneration help that will lower the probability that you will develop the disease. If you have already been diagnosed with the condition, do know that while there is no known medical cure, there are some things which you can do to help prevent the condition from getting worse. Smoking can double your chances of getting AMD, and if you already have the condition, then smoking will hasten the deterioration. If you give up smoking, it is likely that this will help to slow the progress of the disease. Too much exposure to the strong rays of the sun can precipitate AMD; thus, it may be a good idea to wear sunglasses, particularly on bright sunny days. It may well help your eyes to wear sunglasses that have 100% UV protection. Part of providing macular degeneration help is taking care of your heart, as people with high blood pressure and heart problems are more susceptible to the condition. If you have these problems, then you are three times more likely than other people to develop the wet form of the disease, which can lead to legally defined blindness. Regular exercise such as cycling, walking or a gentle work out can reduce the rate at which AMD progresses by as much as twenty five percent - this is useful macular degeneration help, indeed. You may get tired of hearing it, but people who eat a diet that is rich in fruits and green vegetables have a lower risk of developing the disease. And if you already have AMD, such a diet can slow its rate of progression down. Studies suggest that people who eat a diet rich in certain vitamins and who take cartenoid, lutein and zinc supplements, are more than forty percent less likely to develop the disease than those who dont. Indeed, while it may not seem obvious, a healthy diet is a critical part of macular degeneration help. Too much of the wrong sort of fats in your diet not only means weight and / or heart problems, it can also mean that you are at an increased risk of developing AMD. Ophthalmologists' studies have found that people who eat a diet that is rich in essential fatty acids such as omega 3 fatty acids are protected against advanced AMD. People who regularly include nuts in their diet have also been found to be up to forty percent less likely to suffer from macular degeneration. In getting and providing macular degeneration help, in addition to all the natural methods of preventing or slowing the progress of AMD, regular eye examinations, especially for people over the age of 45, are helpful in early detection of the disease. Early diagnosis has been seen to reduce the severity of the condition, and many ophthalmologists recommend certain vitamin supplements as a useful aid to slowing the progress of AMD. Other conventional medical methods of treating AMD include laser surgery and injections, while future possible treatments may include the surgical removal of the abnormal blood cells often associated with wet AMD. To learn more about macular degeneration help, you may wish to read the other related macular degeneration articles and pages.
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