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Master Cleanse Fast or Diet - Ingredients, Health Benefits, ProcedureDo you wish to learn about the Master Cleanse Fast or Diet? If you have conducted any research on cleansing fasts, then more than likely you have probably come across something called the Master Cleansing Fast, or the Master Cleansing Diet. So what is this process and how does it work? More importantly, does it work? The Master Cleanse Diet was developed 40 years ago by Stanley Burroughs. Then, it was billed as the Lemonade Cleansing Diet and was thought to help eliminate fatty tissues and detoxify the body in order to make it healthier.
Ingredients Lemon juice is still one of the main components of the Master Cleanse Fast. Lemons are useful because they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, plus they can assist in breaking up mucous within the body. Maple syrup is another ingredient commonly used in the fast. Maple syrup contains a balanced proportion of both negative and positive sugars. It also contains many vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C, as well as calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, and sulfur. Cayenne pepper is also used for its cleansing properties when it comes to the circulatory, digestive, and respiratory systems. In addition, it can help break up mucous and increase warmth. Lastly, purified water is essential in the Master Cleanse Fast. Six to twelve glasses of purified water should be consumed per day. Water will help flush the system out, as well as keep you hydrated, which is important during a fast.
Health Benefits There are many health benefits associated with the Master Cleanse Fast. The fast can assist in cleaning out the kidneys and digestive system, help eliminate unusable waste and hardened material in the joints and muscles, help dissolve toxins and congestion in the body, help purify glands, as well as help give your skin a healthier glow. Diseases associated with mucous, such as sinus infections, asthma, colds, and the flu, might also be alleviated with the fast.
Procedure - How to Do it The fast should be followed for 10 days. During this time, a quart of saltwater should be consumed in the morning to help flush your system out. During the rest of the day, you should focus on drinking 6 to 12 glasses of the lemonade mixture, as well as the purified water. Mint tea, without sugar, can also be consumed during this time period. The lemonade mixture for the Master Cleanse Fast can be made using the following: 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of rich maple syrup, 1/10 teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder, and 8 ounces of purified water. It is important to drink the mixture as soon as you make it, when it is still fresh.
Possible Adverse Reactions and Side Effects There are a few potential adverse reactions and side effects when it comes to the Master Cleanse Fast or Diet. These include tiredness, mental irritability, nausea, hunger pangs, aches, and pains. Abdominal cramps are also common, as is feeling the need to visit the restroom several times a day. For people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and heart conditions, this fast is not recommended. It is also important to remember to ease back into your normal eating routine, or else serious complications could develop.
Breaking Fast Coming off the Master Cleanse Fast should be considered with care. Food should be introduced gradually. For the first 2 days of coming off the fast, nothing should be consumed but water and fresh juices. On the third day, raw fruits and vegetables can be added. On the fourth day, soup can be added, and on the fifth day, your body should be ready to take in solid foods.
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Wish to learn more about cleansing and detoxification after reading about the master cleanse fast or diet? Have you heard of the 10-day Master Cleanse, the 12 steps to a complete body detox, or the definitive detox diet? Do you know how to detox to lose weight, or to detox your body at all levels in 5 minutes without ingesting anything? You could also discover the supposed body detox secret, or learn about colon cleansing as undertaken by a former toxic colon victim.
Share YOUR Knowledge and Experiences on Detox Using the Master Cleanse Fast or DietDo you have any experiences, knowledge and information on detoxification using the Master Cleanse Fast or Diet which would be useful to our other readers? These could include its health benefits and medicinal properties; usage instructions; reliable and quality sources; background and history; comparisons and reviews; potential side effects, adverse reactions and contraindications; as well as other related topics. We invite you to share your natural health knowledge and experiences on a cleanse using the Master Cleanse Fast or Diet here. If applicable, please discuss the exact brands and dosages which you used. Tweet
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