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Other Herbs and Supplements For Natural Acid Reflux TreatmentIn this article, we cover 6 herbs and supplements that you may find useful for your natural acid reflux treatment. These 6 acid reflux herbs and supplements are an addition to the top 6 herbs and supplements that we have covered in a previous article.
A tea that might bring relief to acid reflux symptoms is anise and lavender tea. This tea can reduce the amount of acid that is in your stomach as well as calm your nerves. In fact, some people suggest sniffing lavender as a way of calming nausea. Make a tea of the two herbs by mixing equal parts and using 1 teaspoon at a time per cup of tea. Use distilled water and add a sweetener such as honey once it has steeped for a few minutes. Drink the tea once in the morning and again in the afternoon.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Acid Reflux. A note about Other Herbs And Supplements For Natural Acid Reflux TreatmentIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Although you might find some recipes that suggest adding peppermint to the tea, you might want to avoid doing so when you have acid reflux problems. This is because peppermint has been observed to trigger acid reflux symptoms in some people.
More and more people are beginning to realize the benefits of wheat grass, not just for general good health, but also as a natural acid reflux treatment. This is because barley grass has powerful alkalizing abilities (on top of its powerful antioxidant properties) and can help the body and stomach in regaining its pH balance. [1] When selecting your barley grass, go for powdered barley grass that has been dried at low temperatures, as this helps to preserve the vital enzymes, vitamins and minerals. You can mix the powder with juice or just water to make a healthy beverage for your acidic stomach. [1]
Likewise, fennel seeds are an herb that can help in digestion. They contain anethole, which is meant to suppress gastrointestinal tract spasms and can be effective for acid reflux disease. Fennel seeds can be taken in their natural seed form. Try taking half a teaspoon after every meal.
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) can help to relieve excessive acidity in your stomach without upsetting its pH balance. [3] As such, Dr Teresa Rispoli, Ph.D., a licensed nutritionist and acupuncturist in Agoura Hills, California, recommends taking 1 to 3 capsules of this nutritional supplement twice a day with meals for as long as you experience reflux symptoms. [3]
Orange peel extract is another natural acid reflux treatment that some people are turning to. Used in traditional Chinese medicine treatment of digestive issues for centuries, orange peel has proven to be rather helpful in combating acid reflux. If you're going to try this treatment, make sure you give it a few weeks to kick in, as most find that it takes about fourteen days for symptoms to subside.
Probiotics like acidophilus have also been receiving a lot of attention lately as being helpful as one of the possible natural remedies for acid reflux. [2] Probiotics are a source of "friendly" bacteria that help keep your digestive tract working properly. They can also help treat diarrhea, yeast infections, and thrush.
Other herbs and supplements that have traditionally been used as natural acid reflux treatments include
In addition to using herbs and supplements when dealing with acid reflux, it is also important for you to make changes to your diet, by avoiding the foods that trigger acid reflux symptoms in you, as well as include more foods that are beneficial for your condition. You can also consider adopting healthy eating habits like eating many small meals in a day, instead of a few big ones. Chewing your food slowly and thoroughly will also help. You may also find other lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking and losing weight, helpful in dealing with your acid reflux problem. Usually gastroesophageal reflux problems respond well to the self-help remedies mentioned above. This means that your symptoms should clear up relatively quickly. However, if they don't, your condition might be rather serious and you might need to seek the help of a qualified practitioner in the holistic and natural healing fields to deal with your problem. Do not ignore your GERD symptoms. Beside the discomfort and pain it may bring, acid reflux issues can also cause serious health problems in the long run. If your heartburn symptoms are accompanied by chest pain (especially pain that radiates to the jaw, neck or arm) as well as symptoms like cold sweat, nausea, you should see your doctor immediately, to eliminate the possibility that you might just had or are going to have a heart attack. [3]
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Need relief from acid reflux? Read the Reflux Remedy Report, where you can learn to overcome reflux using 3 common grocery items, or get a free acid reflux analysis by a medical doctor. You could also learn about a holistic system for helping you overcome acid reflux, heartburn, chest pain and discomfort, as well as other digestive disorders. You could also use natural, herbal and homeopathic remedies for acid reflux.
[1] Collins, Elise Marie. An A-Z Guide to Healing Foods: A Shopper's Companion. San Francisco, California: Conari Press, 2009. Print. [2] Gaby, Alan R., MD. The Natural Pharmacy: Complete A-Z Reference to Natural Treatments for Common Health Conditions. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Three Rivers Press, 2006. Print. [3] Gottlieb, Bill. Alternative Cures: The Most Effective Natural Home Remedies for 160 Health Problems. Rodale, 2000. Print. [4] Reader's Digest. The Reader's Digest Family Guide to Alternative Medicine. NSW, Australia: Reader's Digest, 1992. Print. Some Related Acid Reflux Pages
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