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Natural Health Alternatives, in other words Natural Health and Healing, are effective and can benefit everyone.by Webmaster, All4NaturalHealth.com In general, I don't like to use the phrase "natural health alternatives" when describing natural health and healing modalities and principles. Why? Because that implies it is inferior or secondary, which is not true. The only reason why natural health is considered "alternative" is because conventional drug medicine is the authority today. However, since it is what most people are familiar with, I will use the phrase "natural health alternatives" interchangeably with "natural health and healing", which is actually my preferred phrase. A word of caution here - this page is rather long, so do be prepared for that. Natural health alternatives harness the human body's amazing ability to keep well and heal itself of almost any condition. I view natural health and healing and natural health alternatives as having two main aims - the first a more general one, i.e. the attainment of good health; and the second a more specific one, i.e. the tackling of particular ailments, diseases and conditions. Both these aims can be achieved via two main elements, i.e. a series of natural and good health habits , as well as the use of specific natural health remedies, cures, protocols and methods (for information on herb remedies and herbal cures, click here instead ). Natural health and healing's core belief is that our bodies have the blueprint for good health, even perfect health, and we just need to create and provide the right conditions, the right "terrain", so-to-speak, for our bodies to carry out their work. This is done through a few main steps, namely:
If you think this is too simple or too good to be true, then think back to the last time you had a cut or a bruise. Did you have to "instruct" your body on what to do, or manually use skin cells to patch up or sew up the wound? No. Your body knew what to do, and could do its job as long as it had the right tools, for example the white blood cells to kill the germs infecting the wound, the right nutrients to build new skin, and good circulation to bring these elements to the injured area. Now, this philosophy applies to all kinds of disease, even dangerous ones. Of course, the more serious a condition, then the more effort one would have to put into making changes to one's lifestyle as well as to carrying out healing routines.
Describing Natural Health Alternatives / Natural Health and Healing Natural health alternatives are mostly simple, effective and can be done by everyone, often even at home. However, unless you have some previous knowledge on the subject, much of the information on natural health given on this website will probably be new to you. In fact, it will often CONTRADICT the mainstream opinion - what people think, what the media reports, and what doctors tell you. Why is that so? Explaining this point can take quite a few pages on its own. Basically, based on its fundamental philosophy and core principles, natural health alternatives are of a completely different school of thought, and they operate very differently from the mainstream or common viewpoint, which includes that of conventional medicine as we know today. In fact, in explaining what natural health alternatives are about, I find that describing these differences is a very good starting point in giving a good overall picture.
In gist, these differences are explained below. They are also
listed and summarized, for quick reference, on the page on natural health principles. Each of these points are quite basic, yet also very important.
As mentioned right at the start of this article, strictly speaking, when describing natural health modalities, I don't like to use the phrase "natural health alternatives". This is because "alternative" implies inferiority or non-acceptance, something which I totally disagree with. On the contrary, I feel that, in the realm of chronic and degenerative diseases, natural health is far superior to drugs and many of modern medicine's mindless methods. In my opinion, perhaps the only thing that modern medicine is better in is emergency situations; I'll have no qualms rushing to a hospital if I'm hit by a bus or shot using a gun. Unfortunately, as long as there is money to be made, there will be frauds, cheats and exaggerated claims; this applies to every single arena, including modern medicine, politics, religion, and even the social sector. Much of the good name of natural and "alternative" health has thus been spoiled and tainted by such opportunists. But, make no mistake, many of the good things one can do to naturally improve one's health, can be done for free. No one, for example, can make a cent off you by asking you to drink more water, or exercise more.
One of the greatest criticisms which can be leveled at natural health alternatives is that they are "not scientific", not scientific enough, or unproven. In other words, there is a lack of credible research, studies and statistics to back them up. To be honest, this is often true. But there are reasons. Firstly, natural health alternatives rely a lot on common sense. Somehow, some human beings believe they are smarter than God himself, so much so that common sense is often thrown out of the window. For example, I simply cannot believe it when I read supposed expert opinions or research which claim that diet and lifestyle are not causes of cancer and some other serious diseases. I find this incredulous. This is a very dangerous viewpoint to spread, because it absolves individuals of personal responsibility, and promotes self-destroying and defeatist mindsets such as "too bad, just my luck, there is nothing I could have done to prevent or cure this anyway". To be honest, I feel I don't even have to explain how flawed such opinions are. Secondly, natural health alternatives operate very much based on known or carried down information, which is not presented in the way that modern science demands "scientific" information, studies or research be carried out. "Science", you see, has been defined by the modern scientific community, and modern medicine as we know today has only been around for a couple of centuries at most. Just because it is the conventional authority today does not mean it can declare everything from the past as "unscientific" or "quackery"; it cannot just wipe out thousands of years of experimentation, documentation, practice and knowledge just like that. Modern medicine and science, contrary to what it tries to portray and what many believe, is really not that smart. This fact is painfully obvious. As mentioned earlier, modern medicine is profit-driven. It's not going to be possible to patent water or sunlight, or make them into drugs. It is thus going to be difficult to have large-scale "scientific" studies carried out, outlining the benefits of drinking more water. Such studies are expensive, and there has to be a way for the funders of such studies, most of which are drug companies, to make their money back, and more. Another reason is that natural health and healing involves making holistic changes to one's lifestyle. This makes things impossible to evaluate because modern medicine always wants to know which specific substance it was which did what. Quite frankly, when I make 20 to 30 changes to my life and, slowly but surely, my diseases go away and I become healthier and healthier, I don't really care which method or food it was which contributed how much to which improvements. I'm just healthy, and very happy about it. Even if only one factor were being evaluated, it is impossible to design and execute a perfectly controlled experiment. Firstly, it is simply not possible to hold all other factors constant i.e. ceteris paribus. In addition, it frequently occurs that when a particular drug is evaluated for a particular disease, e.g. lung cancer, the patient dies halfway through due to another condition e.g. heart failure. Is this case then considered as part of the "failed" group? Well, that depends on who is reporting the results. In evaluating natural health alternatives, controlled studies are increasingly being used, particularly outcomes studies. More significantly, though, the observation of the healing process through time is carried out by naturopathic or holistic healers. Broadly speaking, the safety and efficacy of many natural health alternatives have been proven through generations of wide use by various populations of the world. And further living proof is offered by the thousands of people worldwide who have been cured of supposedly terminal or incurable conditions, and those who are reveling in their new-found healthy lives. Some would say these are only anecdotal information. But, to me, they are just information - information of sick people getting well! Anecdotal they might be, but, these, to me, are better proof than any results presented by present-day scientific studies.
Adopting natural health and healing and natural health alternatives is like sowing seeds. You pick a spot with sufficient air and sunshine, dig a hole in the ground, put the seeds in, cover back the soil, water it regularly, and, presto, you get yourself a big tree in time to come. Do you know HOW it happened? Not really. Do you NEED to know? Not really, either. We just need to know that that is the way things are, designed by God / Nature. We know that when a seed is sown, and all the conditions are right, more often than not (not always, for there are no guarantees in life - but often enough), a tree will grow. And the tree will one day bear fruits, themselves containing thousands of new seeds! We also know that if we sow a leaf, a vitamin tablet, or a piece of chicken meat or bone, nothing will grow. So, is any of the seed, air, sunshine, soil nutrients or water the magic bullet for growing a tree, or the cure for a non-growing seed? Well, on the one hand, no - none of these factors on its own would do any good. But on the other hand, yes! - if these factors are used TOGETHER, you get a tree! Similarly, oxygen, sunshine, Vitamin C, carotenes, selenium, vegetables, water, etc - none of these are THE special ingredient for health or the "cure" for cancer and other diseases per se, but instead they are all important and form part of a wider protocol. So then, to create health using natural health alternatives, you just need to know what is needed, and then do them, without really needing to know how or why. It's really that simple. And it's not about doctors or anyone curing or healing you; it's about your body healing itself. When the conditions are right, the big and beautiful tree of health will manifest and flourish!
Proponents of natural health alternatives believe that God and Nature are infinitely more intelligent than human beings. We believe in the design of God and / or Nature, that many substances and methods have been deliberately created and placed on Earth to help us achieve optimal physical health. These include simple foods, sunshine, herbs, etc. We thus believe in working in harmony with our bodies and with Nature. And, since God cannot be scientifically proven, thus, in embracing natural health alternatives / natural health and healing, a dose of common sense and a leap of faith are required. In summary, remember that in the arena of natural health alternatives, the fundamental basis is NOT to attack, kill or remove disease, but to provide the right circumstances to get a person as healthy as possible, and let his or her body decide on how to heal itself. The basic theory here is to give the body what it requires to take care of itself (e.g. right nutrition, water, rest, etc) and remove what hampers its work (e.g. chemical toxins, stress, parasites). Many times this is all that is needed to reverse disease and promote good health. If more is required, then one can look into more specific natural health and healing methods. When the right circumstances are put in place, the right methods used and there is still enough time, the human body has the innate ability to heal itself of almost ANYTHING. One very important point, though, is that each of us has to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, and make the necessary changes to our own lives. Yes, the volume of information out there can make things confusing. In fact, many experts disagree on things. The crucial thing, however, is to learn to use your personal judgment and TAKE CHARGE, and then listen to what your body tells you. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! It is the best gauge of your state of health. So, do natural health and healing and natural health alternatives hold all the answers, then? Well, yes and no. There are NO guarantees to getting well. In fact, there are no guarantees in anything in life. For a person to develop a chronic, degenerative disease, his or her body must already have been out of whack for some time. What has been found to be VERY important is the attitude and mindset of the person. As with everything else in life, if you are surrounding yourself and your mind with negativity, then you are almost destined to fail. And of course, the more dangerous your disease, the more dedication, positive thinking and support you are going to need, not to mention a wider arsenal of natural health and healing weapons. Ultimately, only God holds all the answers.
Natural Health Principles elaborated Natural Health Alternatives / Natural Health and Healing Achieving True & Ultimate Healing | Dealing With What Causes Disease - tackling root causes | Overall Wellbeing and Health | First Do No Harm - in harmony with how the human body works | Definition of Holistic Health - dealing with the body as a whole | Definition of Holistic Health - dealing with the non-physical aspects | Natural Health Healing is Usually Free or Relatively Inexpensive | How Holistic Healing Works - applying the methods, sometimes without knowing how they work | Believing There Aren't Incurable Diseases | Taking Personal Responsibility for Health To find out more about Natural Health Alternatives / Natural Health and Healing, you may want to read the following pages. What is "natural health" as talked about on this site? Click here to read my attempt to define it. Further, here is my take on whether "natural health" and "alternative medicine" mean the exact same thing. For quick reference, click here to see the list and summary of the "natural health principles" described on this page. People often search for some 'secrets' to attain good health as well as to tackle specific ailments, diseases and conditions. Here is my view on "natural health secrets". What's the big deal about natural health, anyway? Read about some benefits of embracing and practising natural health. If you have chosen to embrace natural health, or are considering whether to do so, here are some natural health tips to help you along. Share YOUR Knowledge and Experiences on Natural Health Alternatives / Natural Health and HealingDo you have any thoughts, experiences, knowledge and information on natural health alternatives or natural health and healing which would be useful to our other readers? These could include topics such as what is natural health, alternative medicine, natural health principles, natural health secrets, natural health benefits, natural health tips, ultimate healing, what causes disease, wellbeing, the Hippocratic principle of "first do no harm", holistic healing, incurable diseases, personal responsibility for health, and more. We invite you to share your health knowledge and experiences on natural health alternatives / natural health and healing here. Tweet
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