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Natural Osteoporosis Treatment - Important Dietary and Lifestyle HabitsAre you seeking a natural osteoporosis treatment? Unfortunately, osteoporosis is a disease that often begins long before symptoms appear; by the time one is diagnosed with the disease, much of the damage, so to speak, has been done. Thus, the best way to "treat" any illness it to prevent it - and preventative measures are essential for anyone who has not yet been diagnosed with osteoporosis.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Osteoporosis. A note about Natural Osteoporosis Treatment - Important Dietary and Lifestyle HabitsIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Some excellent guidelines for osteoporosis prevention are to monitor calcium and vitamin D intake for adequacy and to maintain a healthy lifestyle; it is, however, a prudent choice to discuss with your healthcare provider what specific elements of your family history or personal health history may predispose you to the disease, and to put methods of prevention in place to counteract these risk factors. Aside from prevention, there are a number of natural osteoporosis treatments. When one is diagnosed with osteoporosis, a physician will often prescribe medication immediately. Unlike most diseases, the medications for osteoporosis are relatively natural, often consisting of some combination of calcium, vitamin D, estrogen, calcitonin, and bisphosphonates. As osteoporosis is a progressive disease, it will become worse without proper intervention, and it is important to take this into account when considering the course of one's treatment.
Food, Diet and Nutrition As osteoporosis is somewhat related to diet, there are a number of dietary interventions which can serve as natural osteoporosis treatments. The basic tenets of a healthy diet apply in individuals with osteoporosis - the diet should have an appropriate amount of calories (with a suitable balance between fats, proteins, and carbohydrates), it should be rich in fruits and vegetables, and it should limit processed, unnatural foods. When considering natural osteoporosis treatment, there are a number of vitamins that should be addressed when looking at nutrition; although it is best to get nutrients directly from whole foods, if there is any doubt about adequate intake, it is certainly a wise choice to supplement. Calcium is extremely important to include in a diet for treating and managing osteoporosis. Some lesser known excellent sources of calcium are broccoli, kale, spinach, tofu, peanuts, oranges, black beans, salmon, almonds, and peas. Because of the way calcium functions in the body, vitamin D is equally important; foods rich in vitamin D include salmon, sardines (also high in calcium), eggs, and cheese. Other nutrients that one should pay special attention to in natural osteoporosis treatment are magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin K. Soda should be severely limited, if not eliminated from the diet altogether, as research has linked it to low bone mineral density (and thus, osteoporosis).
Lifestyle Habits Lifestyle modifications are also quite important in the natural treatment of osteoporosis. Intake of alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine should be limited, as all three substances are thought to be detrimental to bone health (as well as most other aspects of health and the body). Prevention of falls and fracture is absolutely essential in natural osteoporosis treatment, and strategies for accomplishing this should be discussed with a healthcare provider or other expert who can assess the individuated risks and options. It is of monumental importance for people with this disease to engage in physical activity insofar as their condition allows. Not only does exercise help keep the body healthy in general, but utilization of the bones and muscles strengthens the connective tissues that allow the skeletal system to work, thus making it a vital component of combating osteoporosis.
Conclusion Osteoporosis is an extremely serious and potentially life-threatening illness that often requires medical intervention; however, medical mustn't always connote "unnatural". There are many approaches to natural osteoporosis treatment, and it is best to incorporate as many different types of therapy as possible. From lifestyle modification to the incorporation of necessary nutrients into one's diet, there are a variety of options for people with this disease that promote healing and limit further loss of bone density. Osteoporosis need not inhibit sufferers' ability to live life as they wish, and the multitude of treatments available ensures that it shan't.
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