Noni Juice Cancer Fighting BenefitsAre there noni juice cancer benefits or properties? Morinda citrifolia, more commonly known as Indian mulberry, beach mulberry, cheese fruit or noni, is a tree in the coffee family. It is native to Southeast Asia, but has been grown throughout the Pacific Islands, Tahiti as well as Costa Rica and other surrounding areas. This tree grows equally well in shady forests, on open rocky areas or on sandy shores, reaching maturity about half way into its second year. It flowers all year round and produces roughly between 10-20 lbs of fruit each month. High in carbohydrates and dietary fiber, noni also contains proteins, dietary fats, vitamins A and B3 (niacin), iron, calcium, potassium, sodium and vitamin C. So, in what ways could there be noni juice cancer fighting properties? Described below are a few possible areas.
The important thing about noni products is that you find one that is not processed by heat, but rather is cold pressed with no added sugar, is not filled or reconstituted, and is free from preservatives. This is important, as anything else will not have the same results. Even though there may be some noni juice cancer fighting potential, you should not be relying only on noni, or any other food or supplement alone, to deal with cancer. Instead, a holistic and comprehensive dietary and lifestyle treatment protocol should be employed. Indeed, with cancer, whole, raw, natural foods - fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables, etc - are the ones that can help your body heal itself naturally.
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