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Quickly Lower Blood Pressure - Some TipsAre you wondering how to quickly lower blood pressure? High blood pressure, also called hypertension, a potentially deadly medical condition, can be lowered quickly without the use of medications. The consistent implementation of the following methods will lead to a more permanent reduction in blood pressure, and therefore to a longer life.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on High Blood Pressure / Hypertension. A note about Quickly Lower Blood Pressure - Some TipsIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. (Explore some useful high blood pressure products here.) These methods will reduce blood pressure immediately, and some, like exercise, keep blood pressure down for nearly 24 hours. However, all methods should be made part of a regular daily lifestyle for the changes to be effective. Unmanaged and untreated high blood pressure can lead to kidney and heart failure, stroke, and many other potentially fatal conditions. Aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, will act to quickly lower blood pressure. The average American leads a very sedentary lifestyle, but daily exercise has been shown to be a key component in a healthy routine. A sedentary lifestyle, in combination with poor diet, results in excess weight or even obesity - one of the main triggers of hypertension. Excess weight puts a great deal of strain on the body, especially the cardiovascular system. In addition, without proper exercise, the heart weakens and cannot pump blood as efficiently. Exercises like walking can be incorporated into almost any lifestyle, even the most pressed for time. Studies have shown that even short bursts of exercise, 15 to 20 minutes of time, will lower blood pressure, and perhaps quickly lower blood pressure. Over the course of a day, anyone can easily incorporate such small increments to build a routine totaling a half hour or more. A busy schedule need not be an excuse to avoid exercise. In addition to exercise, incorporate a short deep breathing exercise into your routine. Slow deep breaths, such as the ancient Indian yogic practices of pranayama, have been shown to quickly lower blood pressure. These exercises work on several levels. Firstly, the blood becomes more aerated with an increased intake of oxygen. Secondly, deep rhythmic breathing (that is, approximately ten breaths per minute) activates the relaxation response, which has been shown to decrease blood pressure. The practice need not be long - even five to ten minutes a day will bring down your blood pressure. Deep breathing can be practiced anywhere, even while sitting at a desk. Certain foods, such as dark chocolate, garlic, and other power foods can quickly lower blood pressure. Dark chocolate can easily be incorporated into most diets, and you will be more likely to remember to have a treat or reward than remembering to add extra garlic to food. Remember, however, that only a small portion need be consumed. Also, be sure that the quality chocolate has large quantities (a minimum of 70%) of cocoa - the active ingredient that lowers the blood pressure. Cocoa has antioxidant-rich compounds called flavanoids, which help dilate blood vessels and assist in glucose metabolism. Surprisingly, dark chocolate contains more of these antioxidant compounds than even the famed blueberry. In addition to these little treats, be sure to incorporate sufficient potassium into the diet. Potassium helps maintain electrolyte balance, that is, the balance which regulates heart beat through muscle contraction. In addition, proper electrolytes levels promote fluid exchange. If you cannot be sure that your diet includes sufficient potassium, consider supplementation. However, including potassium in your diet gives better results, as an intake from food can be accessed by the body more efficiently. Potassium-rich foods include squash, sardines, salmon, raisins, potatoes, organs, pears, legumes, beets, bananas, carrots, and apricots, among many other fruits and vegetables. Try to be creative in incorporating fruits and vegetables into all three meals and as snacks throughout the day. These foods can help to both slowly and quickly lower blood pressure. Proper hydration also plays an important part of a healthy lifestyle, and the recommended 8 or more glasses per day will help to quickly lower blood pressure. Dehydration causes blood pressure to skyrocket. Try to replace your carbonated or other drinks with bottled or purified water. A good water filter will be an important investment, as the initial outlay saves a good deal of money on expensive bottled waters in convenience stores. Try to keep a bottle of water with you at all times; that way, you can take sips throughout the day and 8 glasses will not seem so daunting. Lobby your office or workplace to install a water cooler, and everyone will benefit. Water acts on blood pressure by flushing out excess salt, and also protects cells. If you incorporate each of these small changes into your daily life, your blood pressure will certainly drop, and you will feel much healthier. Explore some useful high blood pressure products here.
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