Raw Food and Skin Healthby Webmaster, All4NaturalHealth.com Eating raw food has numerous health benefits. You may not be aware of this, but raw food and skin health are closely linked, too. Raw food detoxifies the body, and it also nourishes the body much better than cooked foods. These are possible partly through the fact that it has less toxic and harmful substances than cooked food, and partly because it is a lot more abundant in life-giving and health-promoting nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes and phytochemicals. And the health of our skin is very much dependent on the health of our internal environment and organs. When the body is unhealthy and toxic, these conditions manifest themselves externally. These could include dry skin, chaffed skin, dark eye rings, poor complexion, body odor, to name a few. There is a reason why certain traditional healing modalities are able to have a rough gauge of a person's state of health just by looking at his external physical condition, including his skin health. Consumption of raw food and skin health is connected because raw foods translate to better health, which then improves the condition of one's skin. Further, raw foods also contain large amounts of antioxidants, which protect the skin against free radical damage. These antioxidants also offer great protection against sunburn. Again, the result is better skin health. Many who have transited towards more raw foods have experienced markedly improved complexion. Others even comment that their skin looks radiant. When I was on a fully raw diet, people said that my complexion had improved and that my skin was 'glowing'. Not intending or unable to go fully raw? It's fine - just increase the proportion of raw foods and fresh juices in your diet, and you will see the difference. Eat more raw foods and your skin health will get better, too!
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