Raw Food Testimonials

by Webmaster, All4NaturalHealth.com

There are countless raw food testimonials out there, which describe people who have changed to a raw food diet and are loving it.

Of course, we would like 'scientific' or empirical evidence that something works well. We would probably even want to know how it works.

But when it comes to diet, the best gauge of all is how you feel when you consume it - are you healthier and are your moods better?

It's really no good if studies show this substance or that food or that diet to do wonders for this and that, but for you to feel absolutely nothing when you actually consume the said foods or diet.

In this regard, there are many raw food testimonials from people to affirm the positive health effects of eating raw foods. I've seen and read them on websites, in forums, and in books.

Excess weight is shed away. They feel light and energetic. Their skin glows. And immunity is enhanced. Moods are uplifted. Diseases melt away. Overall, health improves.

These conditions have been noted by various people to have gone away after conversion to a raw food diet:

  • Acne
  • Allergies, including those relating to dust, food and pollen
  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Constipation
  • Dark eye rings
  • Diabetes
  • Digestive issues, including indigestion
  • Infertility
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Lethargy, sluggishness and lack of energy
  • Obesity
  • Sinus and nasal disturbances
  • Skin and scalp conditions

    On the other hand, these positive effects have been experienced:

  • Complexion better and more radiant skin
  • Concentration improved
  • Emotional wellbeing improved - feel more love for the environment, animals and people
  • Energy levels and vitality boosted - more active and need less sleep
  • Immunity boosted - no longer experience the common cold, headaches and infections like before
  • Mental clarity - brain works better; able to think more clearly
  • Productivity and efficiency enhanced
  • Sleep quality enhanced - able to have deeper sleep
  • Speaking and writing abilities improved
  • Spirituality grown - feel more at peace and closer to Earth and nature
  • Stamina increased
  • Weight - maintenance at a healthy level
  • Wellbeing improved - intangible sense of wellbeing and happiness

    Here, I would like to provide a specific raw food testimonial by quoting the book "Mucusless Diet Healing System", written by Professor Arnold Ehret, which I had obtained from another website:

    "If your blood 'stock' is formed from eating the foods I teach (fruits and green-leaf vegetables), your brain will function in a manner that will surprise you. Your former life will take on the appearance of a dream, and for the first time in your existence your consciousness awakens to a real self-consciousness. [...] Your mind, your thinking, your ideals, your aspirations and your philosophy changes fundamentally in such a way as to beggar description. [...] Your soul will shout for joy and triumph over all misery of life, leaving it all behind you. For the first time you will feel a vibration of vitality through your body (like a slight electric current) that shakes you delightfully".

    Interesting, isn't it?

    Consuming a raw food diet is a simple and humble lifestyle choice. To say one can obtain perfect health is probably a stretch, but, all in all, it has made many people simply feel great.

    To me, it's common sense, really. God, or nature, whichever you prefer to believe, designed and made some foods for the sustenance of all living things on Earth.

    Those who stick to these natural and wholesome foods have a much higher chance of enjoying good health and vitality.

    Wild animals live on such a diet of natural and raw foods, and they don't get any of the crazy chronic diseases which plague the human race. Domesticated animals which eat the processed and cooked foods we provide them, however, get the same diseases.

    Isn't this the greatest raw food testimonial ever?

    I know it's difficult to consume a totally raw diet. But do what you can. Increase the proportion of raw foods in your diet, as high as you can go. This way, you will be able to reap some of the numerous advantages of raw food diets, as well as enjoy the health benefits of eating raw foods.

    Read More: More on Raw Food | Understanding Nutrition and its Importance | Nutrition Health Articles - Foods, Diets, Supplements, Nutrients and more | Information on some Herbs | Favorite Herbs, Herbals Formulas and Foods | Natural Health Supplements - What to Consider | Home Page | Site Search

    Click here to learn more about how raw foods can help you lose weight, have more energy, look younger, and be healthier.

    Do you need delicious and amazing raw vegan recipes for desserts, entrees, juicing, salads, sides, smoothies, snacks, soups, and more? Click here.

    Do you wish to learn secrets about living on an optimal raw food diet? Click here.

    Raw Food-related Pages

    Introduction | Thoughts on Raw Food Lifestyle and Eating Raw | Pros | Advantages of Raw Food Diets | Health Benefits of Eating Raw Food | Raw Food Detox Diet Effects | Raw Food Weight Loss Effects | Raw Food and Skin Health | Raw Living Food - how are they "living"? | Raw Food Testimonials | Eating Raw | Eating a Raw Foods Diet - challenges & tips | Nutrition Issues | Discussion on Raw Food Nutrition | Planning a Diet | Raw Food Diet Plan - some thoughts | List of Raw Foods - some ideas

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