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Raw Living Food - how are they "living"?by Webmaster, All4NaturalHealth.com Why is raw food often called 'raw living food'? How and why are they considered 'living'? Say a man is alive and seemingly well. The next moment, he suffers a heart attack and passes on. Between those two moments in time, what has changed in his body? Chemically or structurally speaking, nothing has actually changed. But something very important has left his body. Whether or not you believe in spirits or souls, you cannot deny that something is no longer present within that physical shell. Call it life energy, or life force, or whatever you want. Fact is, the body is no longer living. It can no longer grow or rejuvenate itself; it can no longer move. That's a pretty extreme example. Let's talk about something smaller, say your skin cells. They heal, they grow, and they repair themselves. In some way, you could say that they are alive. But dip your arm your leg into sufficiently hot water for a sufficiently long period of time, and these cells are going to die. They will lose their ability to grow and heal. They are going to lose the life within them. Now let's talk about raw living food. If you don't pluck an apple, dig out a carrot or harvest the leaves of a plant, they are going to continue growing (up to a certain point, of course); they are going to stay alive. They are living. Take the seeds from a fruit and plant them. Water and nourish it. What's going to happen? There's going to be a huge plant, maybe a tree. There is life within the seeds! But take the apple, the carrot, the leaves, and the seeds. Boil them, or fry them. Cook them. Then try burying the seeds in the soil. Are they going to grow? No. The life in them has been taken away, or destroyed. How about hamburgers, potato chips and pizzas? Can we plant them? No, we can't. They are dead foods, too. This is why raw food is often referred to as raw living food - they have an element of life within them, an element which is beyond mere vitamins, minerals and chemicals, an element which is largely unexplainable. When we eat dead foods, we become dreary, unhealthy, sluggish, and we die a lot sooner than we should. But when we eat raw living foods, that element of life within them is transmitted to our bodies, and it makes us feel great. It heals and rejuvenates us. Okay, there is really no way to 'prove' this 'scientifically'. There is thus only one thing to do - try it. Feed yourself more raw foods and fresh juices, and then see how it feels. I can assure you, you are probably going to like it!
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