Natural Relief for Constipation

Are you seeking natural relief for constipation?

Few people realize and understand the symptoms and complications that can go along with constipation. Far from being simply unable to have a bowel movement, constipation can be accompanied by stomach cramps, bloating, and even nausea. If you want to keep from going to the doctor or using medication, however, there are natural remedies for constipation that can be utilized.

Figuring out the cause of the constipation can be a good place to start. Certain medications, foods, and illnesses can cause constipation. If you have started new medication, then you might want to have a look at the side effects. Many pain medications, for instance, such as Lortab and Hydrocodone, can cause constipation. If at all possible, try eliminating these sources. If this is not possible, then consider using preventive methods, such as eating a lot of fiber, in order to try to offset these effects.

Eating a well-balanced diet is a good way to keep your digestive system regular. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli are good to add to your diet, as they help to provide natural relief for constipation. If you have trouble eating the recommended daily allowances, then fiber can also be taken as a supplement. When constipated, try to abstain from oily and spicy foods, which the body can take longer to digest.

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A note about Natural Relief for Constipation

In natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases.

In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies.

Staying away from processed foods, limiting your caffeine intake, and abstaining from foods that are high in sugar can be a good way to prevent constipation. On the other hand, even doing something as simple as adding a small salad to your meal can help you get a better vegetable intake, which is important in your quest for natural relief for constipation.

There are many natural foods, oils, and vitamins that can provide relief for constipation. Most of them can be found at either large grocery stores or natural health food stores.

Almond oil has helpful properties when it comes to relief for constipation. You can mix it with warm milk for a soothing effect and drink it at night before you go to bed. When you wake up the next morning, your body should be prepared for a bowel movement.

Both prune juice and papaya juice offer natural relief for constipation. Both can be bought in juice form at most large grocery stores and health food stores. Eating a whole papaya is also a good way to help with constipation.

Other foods that act as natural laxatives include rhubarb, licorice, olive oil, coconut, figs, and pineapple. Adding these foods to your diet will help keep you regular, and consuming them when you are constipated could help stimulate a bowel movement. Rhubarb is especially powerful and should be taken with care.

It is important not to abuse laxatives, even in the natural form. Using laxatives too often can have a negative impact on your health, since it could lead to diarrhea or cause your body to depend on laxatives in order to necessitate a bowel movement. Only use laxatives when completely necessary.

If you are experiencing pain along with your constipation, then taking a warm bath, or placing a heating pad on your abdomen, can be a good way to sooth the pain and help loosen your bowels. However, you must also remember to get up and move around a bit as well. Movement will get your blood circulating, which will help stimulate your intestines.

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