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Easy Ways to Relieve Toothache Pain and DiscomfortIf you're looking for a way to relieve toothache pain and discomfort, you probably realize that you don't have a ton of time to spare because it hurts. It never fails that you wind up with this type of pain when you cannot get to the dentist right away, so in the meantime, you need to get relief, and you need it fast.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Toothache. A note about Easy Ways to Relieve Toothache Pain and DiscomfortIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Look at home first - Useful home remedies You might be surprised to find that there are many things in your home that will help you to obtain relief from toothache pain, so look around for a second. For instance, did you know that Listerine is an analgesic, and can help to ease your pain? Plus, it contains alcohol, which can help to fight any infection you might be experiencing. That's not all that you might have right in your home which can be beneficial in easing your pain. For instance, Lipton tea bags can help to relieve toothache pain because it contains tannin, which will not only help to numb the area, but stop gums from bleeding as well. Just dampen a tea bag and place it on the affected area. If you're dealing with pain in a molar, bite down gently. This is effective and safe, so you don't have to worry about keeping the teabag there too long while trying to relieve toothache pain. Here's one you probably haven't thought of: real vanilla extract. Dab some on a cotton swab or cotton ball and rub it over the affected area for relief of toothache pain. There is alcohol in the vanilla that will help to ease any pain you might be feeling.
Other treatments and remedies You could consider using a toothache pain relief gel such as Orajel, which contains benzocaine and will help to numb the affected area. This is an inexpensive and effective treatment that may help you to get through until you can see the dentist. Also, if you have a toothache because of some sort of injury, you should apply ice to the affected area, which will help to numb the area and relieve toothache pain, as well as reduce any swelling you might have. In addition to these methods to offer toothache relief, you should gently floss the affected area and make sure to brush your teeth well. Sometimes, the cause of the pain is something in the gum or between the teeth and often, small cavities can be affected by food, especially sugars sitting directly on the cavity. When you are looking for ways to relieve toothache pain, it can feel as if your head is going to explode and, while it is essential to call your dentist so that you can permanently fix your dental problem, temporary pain relief is also often needed. Don't suffer through it, but don't overdose on pain relievers, either. Consider using a couple of different methods for effective, long lasting toothache pain relief until you can see your dentist. For more tips, remedies and treatments to relieve toothaches, you may wish to read the other related toothache articles and pages on this website.
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