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Reverse Baldness and Hair Loss Naturallyby Webmaster, All4NaturalHealth.com Are you looking for some natural and effective ways to reverse baldness and hair loss? There are many natural and herbal remedies which can do the job. However, it is important to realize that hair loss is a rather complicated issue with a host of possible causes. Thus, not all natural treatments and remedies will work for everyone who is losing hair.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Hair Growth / Hair Loss. A note about Reverse Baldness and Hair Loss NaturallyIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. As with all forms of natural health and healing, it's usually wise to use a holistic approach, utilizing a combination of various natural remedies and treatments.
Role of Testosterone and DHT How do hair loss and balding occur? One mechanism has to do with a chemical in the body, called DHT, which not only contributes to enlargement of the prostate, but also shrinks and ultimately destroys your hair follicles. The result of too much DHT reaching your hair follicles would thus be thinning hair and even baldness. And an enzyme, called 5-alpha-reductase, is said to be responsible for the conversion of testosterone, the male sex hormone, to DHT. Preventing this conversion, or inhibiting the action of DHT, is the way in which many methods to prevent and reverse baldness work.
Saw Palmetto Now, read about remedies to reverse baldness and hair loss, and the herb saw palmetto is almost always one of the foremost treatments mentioned. This would seem to imply that there must be some truth in its ability to stem hair loss. But, how does saw palmetto work? There seems to be two theories here. One is that saw palmetto inhibits the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Another theory is that the herb prevents DHT from binding to hair follicles. Either way, by doing what it does, saw palmetto not only benefits prostate health (which is a well-known benefit), but also plays its part in helping to slow or reverse baldness and hair loss. Will saw palmetto work for everyone? Not necessarily, as had been discussed above. However, if you are looking to reverse baldness and hair loss, it's probably worth a shot, especially for men, given saw palmetto's benefits on the prostate.
Inhibiting Conversion of Testosterone to DHT There are other herbs and nutrients which could have a similar effect to saw palmetto, in terms of preventing testosterone converting to DHT, and thus could help in your attempts to reverse baldness and hair loss.
What Else Could Be Consumed Selenium and silicon help improve blood circulation to the scalp, so adequate amounts of these nutrients should be consumed as part of one's diet. The herb stinging nettle is also believed to help ward off hair loss and balding. While the precise mechanisms of its action are not known at the point of writing, consuming some of this herb daily, either via a couple of cups of tea or a little tincture, should be helpful in your efforts to reverse baldness and hair loss. Essential fatty acids found in oils like flaxseed oil and evening primrose oil certainly help to boost the quality of one's hair, too.
Stress Management and Reduction Stress is a big factor in hair loss. Meditation, foot reflexology, as well as yoga are therapies which could help in this regard. In addition, gotu kola is a calming herb and can be used to help with hair loss that is caused by excessive stress.
Massages and Topical Remedies There are a number of natural remedies and treatments which can be used topically on your scalp and hair to help reverse baldness and hair loss. Here are some of them:
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