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Stomach Ulcer Diet - Food Tips for Gastric Ulcer SufferersWhat forms a good anti stomach ulcer diet? What foods should a gastric ulcer sufferer eat, and what foods should he or she avoid?
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Ulcers. A note about Stomach Ulcer Diet - Food Tips for Gastric Ulcer SufferersIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. It has long been believed that excess acid was the primary cause of ulcers. With this in mind, treatment was focused on not only neutralizing existing stomach acid, but inhibiting further secretions. Today, though acid is still believed to play a leading role in the formation of ulcers, it has been proven that the infection of the stomach by a bacteria strain called Helicobacter pyloricus (infects a billion people worldwide) is actually the leading culprit. More than half of the US population aged 60 is estimated to have been infected to date, and though it is not yet understood how the bacteria is able causes ulcers, it is understood that the elimination of the bacteria leads to the healing of ulcers. Another leading cause of ulcers is the breakdown of the lining by the chronic use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for conditions such as arthritis. Smoking is also a major cause of ulcers and of treatment failure by increasing the risk of complications like bleeding, stomach obstruction and perforation. A good stomach ulcer diet includes a reliance on foods such as complex carbohydrates (vegetables in their raw state or lightly steamed if at all possible) and the incorporation of whole grains in several of the small meals throughout the day. This anti stomach ulcer diet should consist of at least two main meal salads, with sides of vegetable choices such as Brussels sprouts, carrots, tomatoes, lightly steamed cabbage, or a baked potato topped with onions, peppers and mushrooms lightly steamed in olive oil. Following the guidelines will help decrease stomach irritation as well as help to eliminate excessive acid secretions that lead to such side effects as heartburn. By eating three meals (keep them on the small side) and three well thought out snacks throughout the day, you will not only avoid periods of hunger, you are also more likely to refrain from overeating. Be sure to eat slowly (remember the 15 to 30 chews per bite). This also ensures that the food in your stomach ulcer diet is chewed well. Each meal or snack of your anti stomach ulcer diet should include good sources of amino acids (basic building blocks of proteins) such as rice, beans and whole grains in larger quantities, low-fat meat choices (poultry and fish for its omega-3 fatty acids as they increase the production of prostaglandins which help to protect the stomach lining), soy products, some eggs, yogurt, as well as cottage or Parmesan cheese. Other good sources include wheat germ, seeds such as almonds, as well as sunflower and sesame seeds. These are also good sources of vitamin E, along with cold-pressed sunflower seed and soybean oil. Zinc, also helpful in stomach issues, can be obtained from seafood and whole grains. For your stomach ulcer diet, it is important to be relaxed at mealtimes and to remain sitting, not only as you eat, but also for about an hour afterwards. Try not to eat within the three hours before going to bed, unless it is a piece of raw fruit. Most bedtime snacks will cause secretions of gastric acid in the night; however, raw fruit contains all the enzymes the body needs for its digestion and requires no extra acid secretions from the stomach. Eliminate smoking and the use of NSAIDs if at all possible. Also, try to avoid alcohol consumption. Do you now have a better idea of how to formulate your own anti stomach ulcer diets? Learn more about gastric ulcers by reading the other ulcers articles and pages on this website.
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