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Sunburn Care - Tips, Remedies, Treatment and ReliefUsing proper sunburn care if you find yourself dealing with this common summer condition is important to get past it quickly and reduce your chances of skin complications during that time. Preparing yourself with some steps for sunburn prevention in the first place is a smart thing to do, but if you had failed to do that and your skin has already gotten burnt, you would need some remedies and treatments to help give you relief from sunburn pain and discomfort.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Sunburn. A note about Sunburn Care - Tips, Remedies, Treatment and ReliefIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Here is some quick information on which treatments are smart and which you should avoid.
Use: Cool Compress Creating your own cool compress at home with equal parts of milk and water is one of the best ways to provide sunburn care. Simply soak a fresh washcloth or towel in the solution and then place over the arm, leg, back, or whatever body part is affected. Hold this compress on the body for a period of ten to twenty minutes, and then remove and wash the cloth thoroughly so that it can be used later on during the day.
Avoid: Bath Salts Taking a cool bath is another important sunburn care trick that will help relieve the pain you experience. It will also help take down the swelling. When doing so, it's important that you be sure to avoid adding bath salts or any perfumed products to the bathwater. This can cause serious skin irritation to the affected area and will make the sunburn much worse. Clean, cool water is going to be the best way to use this care method properly.
Use: Cooling Gels There are many products available at your health food store that serve to help cool the skin down, and these will help provide fast relief from your sunburn. The most effective of these products usually contain aloe vera gel, which is very healthy to place on the skin. Have a look through the variety you find and choose the best one to fit your needs and budget, but just be careful that you stay away from any butter or oil based cream or gel, as these two ingredients should never be placed on a sunburn. You would also do well to avoid products which contain chemicals, as these can cause both long term and short term harm, not just to your skin, but also to your overall health. If possible, seek products which contain only all-natural and organic ingredients. After all, in providing sunburn care, you would also want to do what is best for your body on the whole.
Use: Added Clothing Adding additional clothing when you're going to be out in the sun after a sunburn will also be important. You really want to protect the skin from any more damage and exposing it to further UV rays, would put you at risk for more discomfort. Try and layer clothing over the area with light materials that breathe well but will keep the sun out. Wear a hat for additional sunburn protection over the face if needed. Always keep up this layering and clothing protection until you are certain you are recovered fully from the sunburn, and even a few days past that just to be on the safe side. Burning one area of the skin twice will really do a lot of damage to the surrounding skin, so this is something that you must be very, very careful about in providing sunburn care to yourself.
Conclusion By making sure you use proper sunburn care, you can speed the recovery from your sunburn and decrease the risk that skin cancer or any other form of complication arises. If the sunburn is really quite bad, you may want to have it assessed by your health care practitioner before proceeding with your treatment program. To learn more about other treatments and remedies for sunburn care and sunburn relief, you may wish to read the other related sunburn articles and pages on this website.
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