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Suggestions for Sunburn Preventionby Webmaster, All4NaturalHealth.com As they always say, prevention is better than cure. Thus, taking the correct sunburn prevention measures is a lot better than using any sunburn cure later. So, what measures can we take? Isnt the best way to prevent sunburn, and thus skin cancer, to stay out of the sun totally? Unfortunately, most people believe the exaggerated hype about how bad sunshine is for us, and they go all out in avoiding sunburn and the sun altogether. The sunscreen industry and the medical profession have both played their part in this propaganda. As for sunscreen products, there is apparently no clear evidence that using them lowers ones risk of skin cancer. In fact, sunscreen products contain many chemicals, some of which are themselves carcinogenic. When you smear these chemicals all over your skin and go under the hot sun, what do you think happens? Your skin heats up and your body absorbs them! As far as Im concerned, sunscreen products themselves do much more harm than the direct sunlight I get on my skin, and I steer clear of them totally. Of course, its your choice.
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Lack of sunlight is killing many people!or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Sunburn. A note about Sunburn PreventionIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Sunlight exposure triggers a biochemical process in the body, leading to the production of Vitamin D. While Vitamin D can also be obtained from certain foods and supplements, the best method is still to get moderate amounts of sunlight on our bare skin. Irrational fear of the sun has led to people staying clear of direct sunlight or using sunscreen products, which blocks the process which creates Vitamin D. The result is that an alarmingly high number of people are suffering from Vitamin D deficiency, which is linked to a weakened immune system, osteoporosis, heart disease and cancer. Yes, lack of sunshine is probably causing more cancer than overexposure to sunshine! A little common sense is needed here. The sun is the source of energy on Earth, and humans have lived under the sun for thousands of years. How bad can sunlight be? To me, saying that the sun is bad for your health is like saying that water is bad for you. Sure, you can die from drinking too much water at a go, and you can drown in a pool of water, but you need water, and lots of it. Same for sunshine! Rather than seeking sunburn cures later, it is much better to first take a proper and sensible approach towards sun exposure. Also, be aware that when it is windy, especially if the winds are cool or cold. It may disguise the fact that you are getting sunburned i.e. you wont feel it, so do be careful. Ive fallen prey to this situation a couple of times. Hence, if you are relatively fair-skinned, then you need to start with even shorter periods of exposure to the sun and gradually work your way up. This is an important and useful method of sunburn prevention. However, one point to note is that melanin also blocks the action of sunlight on vitamin D precursors in the skin. Darker skinned people, though better protected from sunburn, would thus require much longer periods of sunlight exposure to produce adequate amounts of circulating Vitamin D in the body. If you stay away from processed foods and consume a lot of foods which are high in anti-oxidants (for example Vitamin C, Vitamin E, essential fatty acids, carotenes, etc), such as raw vegetables and fresh juices, you will find that you have increased tolerance to sun exposure and do not burn so easily. Personally, I have found that I have much increased tolerance to sunburn (and I am a fair skinned person) after I started consuming large amounts of organic vegetable juices daily. When it comes to sunburn and skin cancer, our typical modern-day diet is the main problem, and not sun exposure per se. To me, an excellent diet providing great nutrition is the best form of sunburn prevention. Sunburn prevention isnt really that difficult. I get plenty of tropical sunshine nowadays, but I hardly ever get sunburned since I started taking the right measures. However, if you have already been burnt and have
the symptoms of sunburn
, then you may want to consider using some
suggested natural methods and remedies for sunburn relief.
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