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Natural Tinnitus Cures - Home Remedies and TreatmentsAre you seeking natural tinnitus cures? There are millions of Americans who suffer from tinnitus. Tinnitus is basically a ringing or "whooshing" sound that can be heard in one or both of your ears. It can be loud enough to drown out other noises, and it can be constant, or come and go.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Tinnitus. A note about Natural Tinnitus Cures - Home Remedies and TreatmentsIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Some people find that tilting their head to one side or the other can make the noise worse, or even make it go away. It can also sound like a buzzing, a whining noise, a hum, a hiss, a click, or even a dull roar. For many people, it is beyond distracting and can even affect their quality of life by interrupting their daily activities and sleeping schedule. Although there are medications that are meant to help with tinnitus, there are also natural health remedies that can be beneficial to treating tinnitus as well. Gingko is one of the best herbs that are currently being used to treat the condition. Gingko can help as a tinnitus cure by improving blood circulation through the neck and head, which might help with the noise reduction. Typically, ginkgo can be taken in 2 tablets of standardized extract 3 times per day. It is best when taken at mealtime. You might need to use it for a couple of months before you start seeing, or hearing, any noticeable differences. There are other herbs which could be useful in your search for herbal tinnitus cures. Maidenhair has also been used to treat tinnitus. Applying 20 to 40 mg of extract of Maidenhair into your ears on a daily basis for 4 weeks could show you noticeable results. The Maidenhair works by dilating the blood vessels as well as increasing the overall blood flow to the ears. Black cohosh is another herbal remedy that has been used to treat pressure in the head or congestion. Because it can be used as a tonic for the circulatory system, it might be helpful in treating tinnitus, too. You can also make some simple lifestyle changes that could be helpful in tinnitus cures and treatments, too. Getting exercise on a daily basis is one thing that might help take away some of the pressure that is causing the noise. You should also avoid getting overly tired and lower your overall salt intake, as salt can impair blood circulation. In addition, avoiding exposure to loud noises and sounds in the first place can oftentimes prevent tinnitus from occurring or from getting worse. Foods that can aggravate tinnitus include dairy products, salt, sugar, saturated fats, and processed foods. Stimulants such as foods that contain a high sugar content and caffeine and alcohol can also lower your blood sugar, which can make tinnitus worse. Instead, as part of natural tinnitus cures, focus on eating a diet that is rich in proteins, zinc, choline, as well as vitamins A, B, and E. There are therapies that are considered alternative treatments that could be beneficial in reducing the noise associated with tinnitus. Magnet therapy, hypnosis, carnio-sacral therapy, and acupuncture are all therapies that many people suffering from tinnitus have found success with in their search for effective tinnitus cures. Using essential oils such as lemon, rose, cypress, and rosemary for aromatherapy could be useful as part of natural tinnitus cures, too. These can be used in a vaporizer or aromatherapy diffuser, or as an oil during a head massage. Sometimes, people find that drowning out the noise with other noises is a good way of masking the noise that is causing them aggravation. White noise machines or even sound tapes can be a way of achieving this. Sounds that include chanting noises, wind, rainfalls, waterfalls, and ocean waves can all distract from the sounds that come with tinnitus. Listening to them at night, especially, might make sleeping easier. Lastly, it is possible that a potassium or magnesium deficiency could lead to tinnitus. Therefore, eating a diet that is rich in folic acid, and vitamins B and E could be helpful in treating the condition as well as preventing it from occurring in the first place. For more treatments and remedies to aid your search for natural tinnitus cures, read the other related tinnitus articles and pages on this website.
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