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Tips for Toothache Pain Relief That Really WorkAre you looking for toothache pain relief? When you have a toothache, all you want is cures which can make it go away.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Toothache. A note about Tips for Toothache Pain Relief That Really WorkIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Now, sometimes, your teeth will hurt because of problems such as a sinus infection or heart attack, but most of the time, if you have a toothache, it has to do with the fact that you have a cavity, cracked tooth, gum disease, or an irritated root. Of course, you're most likely going to go to the dentist, but until then, you need to get the pain relief you seek. The good news is that there are some very effective toothache pain relief options for you that don't involve you taking pain medications of any kind. These remedies are natural, too, so you can feel good about treating your pain without using ingredients that you're not comfortable with.
Compresses You might want to consider a compress for your toothache pain relief. Compresses usually consist of a cotton ball or gauze with the painkilling ingredients on or soaked into it. When you're using a compress, it's usually a good idea to gently bite down on it for as long as you can. Consider using activated charcoal mixed with just enough water to form a paste. Once you've made this paste, put it on gauze or a cotton ball and bite down gently for a while. You might also want to make a compress of clove oil. It is very important to make sure that the clove oil is diluted with olive oil before you use it for toothache pain relief, because if used undiluted, it can cause burning, nerve damage and pain in the mouth. So, make sure to mix the clove oil with olive oil. As a good rule, 2 or 3 drops can be diluted with 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil. Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and gently bite down on it. Some people also use oregano oil when they are seeking toothache pain relief. Much like clove oil, oregano oil has antiseptic properties, as well as being able to provide pain relief, so this is an especially effective remedy if you have an infection of some kind in your mouth.
Other home remedies One of the most commonly overlooked home remedies there are, but one which very commonly works, is to apply ice to the side of the face where the tooth hurts. This can alleviate any swelling you might experience and can often offer relief from toothache pain. It is also said that you can chew the leaves of a guava tree to gain toothache pain relief, but since many of us don't have a guava tree, you might find it interesting to know that many people will swish with a strong alcoholic beverage or a mouthwash containing alcohol to ease their pain and fight infections. When you have a toothache, you're going to want to ease your pain. You should know that there are many very effective ways to do this without even leaving your house. Always make sure that any home remedies you choose are safe and follow diluting instructions for essential oils you might be using. Don't feel as if you have to rush to the drugstore or take a bunch of pills for toothache pain relief - take a deep breath and look at other effective, natural remedies for your toothache. To learn more about other treatments and remedies to help relieve toothaches, you may wish to read the other related toothache articles and pages on this website.
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