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Natural Treatment for TuberculosisSeeking a natural treatment for tuberculosis or a tuberculosis alternative medicine treatment? Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly contagious and lethal disease condition that needs a lot of care and long-term treatment.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Tuberculosis. A note about Natural Treatment for TuberculosisIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Using Natural Treatment of Tuberculosis vs Conventional Medicine Tuberculosis, if not properly managed and treated, can be immediately fatal. We are thus in no position to advise you to forego conventional medical treatment. Having said that, do note that natural health and healing does not advocate the use of chemical drugs. There are almost always safer, natural and effective natural solutions available. Great natural healers, past and present, have used totally natural methods to treat and cure tuberculosis. The discussion in this article should be taken as suggestions in the treatment of tuberculosis. Whether or not to undergo conventional treatment is a matter of personal choice. The suggestions on this page can be used to supplement conventional treatment, if one chooses to undergo it. And if you believe that there is a totally natural cure for tuberculosis, and choose to only use a totally natural treatment for tuberculosis, then please crank up the intensity. Do your utmost to boost your immune system, as well as use liberal amounts of antibiotic herbs, such as and especially garlic. A strong and healthy immune system, with the help of potent herbs, will crush any infection in the body. Useful Tuberculosis Home Remedies and Natural Aids The most crucial, and extremely important, component of using a natural treatment of tuberculosis is to build the immune system and general immunity of the patient. It is also important to stop the disease from spreading and developing further. Based on the above, several natural treatment modalities and remedies have been developed in an attempt to treat and reduce some of the symptoms of tuberculosis and also to cure the disease. These treatment mechanisms can be followed along with the treatment protocol that is advised by physicians. Some of the modalities of natural treatment for tuberculosis are discussed below. One of the best ways to fight the tuberculosis bacteria is to expose the patient to sunlight. Sunlight and ultraviolet light have the ability to kill the disease-causing bacteria which is extremely important to stop the disease from developing and spreading further. Sunlight, of course, also benefits health in many other ways, including boosting the immune system. It is thus an integral part of any natural treatment for tuberculosis. Building the immune system entails living well and eating well. Our list of good health habits would provide a good foundation. Herbal Aids Helping in Treatment for Tuberculosis Barberry The scientific name of barberry is Berberis vulgaris. These berries are found to be extremely effective in resolving tuberculosis symptoms when administered along with the conventional treatment modalities. Administering this treatment is fairly simple - one can include 10 to 15 barberry berries in the patients diet on a daily basis. Barberries contain berberine, which has bactericidal properties and aid in killing the tuberculosis-causing bacteria, thus helping to boost the overall treatment for tuberculosis. Orange Juice A glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice with a pinch of salt, a spoonful of honey, and two-three mint leaves, should be mixed and given to the patient. The saline effect in the lungs will reduce expectoration and protect the patient from other secondary infections. Vitamin C contained in orange juice boosts the immune system and also helps fight the disease-causing bacteria, thus aiding the the treatment for tuberculosis. Horsetail The scientific name of horsetail is Equisetum arvense. Tuberculosis results in reduction in silica content in the bones. Silica helps develop ones resistance to diseases and hence it is important to restore silica levels in bones. In order to replenish silica levels, tuberculosis patients can be administered a spoonful of horsetail juice on a daily basis. Horsetail products are available as extracts, powder, capsules, etc, and depending on the chosen product, the dosage can be adequately administered. Garlic Garlic has been found to be effective in treating tuberculosis. In fact, garlic is an amazing antimicrobial herb which works effectively against microbes, harmful organisms, bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses. This makes garlic a critical part of any tuberculosis home remedy or natural treatment for tuberculosis. An ideal way to go about preparing the medication would be to boil 30 garlic cloves in 150 ml of milk mixed in 50 ml of water. This entire portion should be boiled until it condenses to 50 ml of concentrated garlic syrup. After filtering, the concentrated syrup free from solid substances should be administered to the patient twice daily. Do note that a good quality garlic bulb should have 10 to 12 large, white cloves. Garlic bulbs with many small or yellowish cloves are probably of inferior quality. For best effect, use garlic that is organic and raw. Herbal Tea Licorice root tea prepared with only licorice roots or with other herbs like sage and chamomile in equal quantities can prove very effective in soothing throat pain and providing relief from persistent coughing in patients suffering from tuberculosis. All these herbs are effective in treating respiratory conditions. Propolis Another useful supplement in a treatment for tuberculosis is propolis, which has also been found to be extremely effective in treating pulmonary tuberculosis. Propolis is a substance used by honeybees to coat their hives in order to keep the hive warm and to prevent possible attacks from other animals and insects. It has been established that alcohol extracts of propolis is found to be rich in bactericidal material which helps kill tuberculosis-causing bacteria. Another important feature of propolis is its ability to act as a nonspecific immunostimulator. It was found that when propolis was included in the form of alcohol solution to an immunizing agent, it showed marked improvement in immune response. Propolis was effective in increasing the immunity building properties of immunizing agents. This property is also extremely useful in treating patients with tuberculosis. Mint Juice Mint is another useful supplement in a treatment for tuberculosis. A glass of fresh mint juice mixed with 150 ml of carrot juice, two spoons of honey and malt vinegar is found to be very beneficial to patients suffering from tuberculosis. The juice can be administered thrice everyday since it dissolves the sputum, cleanses and nourishes the lungs, develops immunity thereby resisting further infection, and acts as a detoxifying agent and cleanses the body of all the powerful anti-tuberculosis drug side effects. Pineapple Juice Pineapple juice is considered to be one of the best treatment remedies for patients suffering from tuberculosis. Pineapple juice with freshly ground pepper and a dash of salt and honey can be administered to patients once everyday. This is found to be extremely helpful in dissolving mucus. American ginseng It has been suggested that, after consulting a pediatrician or physician, children suffering from tuberculosis can be administered American ginseng three times a day. Ginseng contains minerals and nutrients that help build immunity and increase the bodys resistance to other infections and diseases. Vitamin Supplements An effective and serious method of building immunity in patients suffering from tuberculosis is to administer vitamin supplements. This is another potentially very useful part of a treatment for tuberculosis. Vitamin supplements also have a bactericidal effect which is important for TB patients. Recommended vitamin supplements include vitamin C, B vitamins, including vitamin B6, vitamin A, and beta carotenes. These supplements should be continued till the patient is disease-free to effectively replenish lost energy resources in the body. Natural Treatment for Tuberculosis Conclusion In addition to all of the above, persons suffering from tuberculosis need to get a lot of exposure to sunshine, nutritious food, some exercise, and should drink plenty of water to help in the detoxification process. Our discussion on overall good health habits should be very useful. Tuberculosis is curable and one needs to remember that at all times. With proper care and management, the disease can be completely cured and the person can go back to leading a normal life.
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