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Ulcerative Colitis Treatment - Natural Remedies and Useful TipsWhat are some remedies and ideas you could use for natural ulcerative colitis treatment? Ulcerative colitis is essentially the chronic inflammation of the colon. When a person has ulcerative colitis, their inner lining of their colon can become inflamed and ulcers can develop. This can lead to rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Ulcerative Colitis. A note about Ulcerative Colitis Treatment - Natural Remedies and Useful TipsIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Ulcerative colitis is a chronic disease and the cause of it is unknown. While there is no medical cure, yet, as far as ulcerative colitis is concerned, there are some natural health treatments available that could be beneficial in treating some of the more concerning symptoms. Probiotics, also known as the "friendly" bacteria that lives inside your gut, can be useful in helping relieve the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Probiotics can assist in reducing the inflammation, controlling the harmful bacteria, and improving the mucus lining of the gut which helps protect it. These properties make probiotics a useful part of natural ulcerative colitis treatment. There is also some evidence that omega-3 fatty acids can be beneficial in helping the inflammation associated with ulcerative colitis. This also makes omega-3 fatty acids a useful component of natural ulcerative colitis treatment. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in fish oil capsules, as well as in the fish itself, especially cold water fish like salmon and mackerel. Krill oil also has omega-3 fatty acids, while flax seed oil is a good vegetarian source of these essential fatty acids. Oral aloe vera gel is useful in treating a variety of medical conditions and is easily obtained at most health food stores. It might be able to help cases of ulcerative colitis that are mild to moderate. Oral aloe vera gel should not be confused with the aloe vera gel that is meant to be used topically. Boswellia is an herb that is grown primarily in India. Resin from the tree bark is the main ingredient in boswellia and it has been known to be helpful in blocking chemical reactions that result in inflammation. People with a variety of inflammatory conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, have found that using it helps with the pain and inflammation. This herb could thus be a useful herbal ulcerative colitis treatment as well. The most effective dose of boswellia is 350 milligrams of boswellia extract taken 3 times per day. You can also find boswellia in capsule form as well. It should contain 60 percent boswellic acids and should not be taken for more than 8 weeks at a time. There is some evidence that a change in diet can help with the condition, too. Eating foods that contain vitamin C appears to be helpful in reducing the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Some foods that contain a good portion of vitamin C include strawberries, red bell peppers, spinach, and parsley. These foods could thus be included as part of your natural ulcerative colitis treatment. Since bananas are natural laxatives, eating one or two bananas per day, especially the ripe ones, might be good for you. They are easily digested and can help prevent constipation, which can make ulcerative colitis more painful. Steamed apples are also good for the same reason, plus they contain phosphorus and iron. Citrus juice, white bread, white flour products, and white sugar might make the symptoms more prominent. For your natural ulcerative colitis treatment protocol, try eliminating these foods from your diet to see if the symptoms improve. You might also want to avoid caffeinated beverages such as coffee and colas, as well as foods that have a high salt content. When used as an enema, wheatgrass can help with detoxification. First, a general enema should be given using lukewarm water. After about 20 minutes, then 90-120ml of wheatgrass juice should be given as an enema. If you are unable to locate wheatgrass at a health food store, then it's possible to grow your own at home, although this should be done carefully. Sometimes, stress will make the symptoms of ulcerative colitis worse. Practicing meditation, yoga, or journal writing can be good stress-relieving methods which could be included as part of your natural ulcerative colitis treatment regime. You should also learn to take rests when you are tired, since a body that is tired can often feel worse with ulcerative colitis. The solutions mentioned above are just some of the natural remedies that might be helpful in treating the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Taking these suggestions and using them as a complementary approach to the condition can be helpful in treating the otherwise painful and discomforting medical condition. For more tips, ideas, remedies and cures would could be used for ulcerative colitis treatments, you may wish to read the other related ulcerative colitis articles and pages.
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Click here to learn about the root cause of colitis and how to reverse it. Click here to learn about how to end digestive pain, including that caused by colitis. Click here for natural, herbal and homeopathic remedies for colitis.
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Some Related Ulcerative Colitis Pages Causes of Ulcerative Colitis - What Are The Triggers? Cure for Ulcerative Colitis - Useful Tips, Remedies and Treatments What is Ulcerative Colitis - Symptoms, Remedies and Other Information Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms - Common Signs Ulcerative Colitis Diet - Foods to Eat and to Avoid Ulcerative Colitis Treatment - Natural Remedies and Useful Tips
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