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Formulating a Vegetarian Diet Planby Webmaster, All4NaturalHealth.com A vegetarian diet plan which is properly put together can be very healthful. Vegetarian diets have been found and proven in numerous studies to satisfy all of human's nutritional needs. This fact has been clearly backed by the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada. In June 2003, they stated their position that "appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases". According to Dr William Harris, MD, director of the Kaiser Permanente Vegetarian Lifestyle Clinic in Hawaii, a simple vegetarian diet of whole grains, fruits, starches and vegetables can actually meet a person's recommended amounts of essential nutrients, except for vitamin B12. As written in one of his articles, Dr Harris says that there is no necessity to measure or count out serving amounts of the different types of the above plant foods which one eats. In fact, he encourages the consumption of as much as one wants, as long as the foods consumed are whole foods and vegan. Won't we overeat, then? Dr Harris explains that the body has 3 so-called built-in mechanisms which help to take care of that. Firstly, the stomach has stretch receptors which inform the brain when it has had enough. Secondly, the body tells one to eat until a sufficient amount of food energy has been taken in for metabolic purposes. Finally, the body has a complicated system of biochemical feedback which detects the presence (or absence) of nutrients such as essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. This third reason is why trashy fast food, refined foods, sugary and floury snacks, as well as soft drinks, make you fat. One can eat and eat and eat, yet because of the absence of the needed nutrients (as junk food has little or no nutrients in them), one continues to feel hungry all the time, and keeps eating. Result? Obesity! Overall, I agree with this approach. I don't think there is the need to count and calculate down to the minute details when coming up with a vegetarian diet plan, or, for that matter, any diet plan. Eating should be a simple affair, and I really don't think God (or Nature) would have intended for it to be such a complicated process. In his educational materials which I have come across, Dr Richard Schulze, the famous natural healer and herbalist, also does not seem to specifically indicate special requirements for counting or measuring food portions when formulating a vegetarian diet plan. In general, vegetarian diet plans are usually much easier and quicker to formulate and prepare than recipes which contain meat. If you want, there are also many raw vegetarian recipes which require little or no cooking at all. At this moment, I have not included vegetarian recipes on this website. If you wish, you may search the internet, or refer to the
vegetarian websites, books, videos and other resources I have mentioned. A good vegetarian diet plan is important for optimal health. Do you now have a better idea of how to formulate a vegetarian diet plan?
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Being a vegetarian does not have to be difficult. In fact, it should be simple, healthful and fun. Meals can be delicious, too. Click here for a step-by-step guide to a vegetarian lifestyle, which will help you to make a simple transition to a healthier diet. Vegetarian-related Pages Introduction | What is a Vegetarian? | What Do Vegetarians Eat? | Different Types of Vegetarians | Pros & Cons | Why People Become Vegetarians - the reasons | Advantages of Vegetarian Diet Choices | Health Benefits of Vegetarian Diet Consumption | Vegetarian Diet Disadvantage - a discussion | Becoming a Vegetarian - does it suit humans better? | Being Vegetarian | Going Vegetarian Really isn't That Difficult | Challenges of Being a Vegetarian | How to Become a Vegetarian | Tips to Become Vegetarian | Nutrition Issues | Thoughts on Vegetarian Nutrition - is it adequate and complete? | Vegetarian Diet Health Concerns - are there nutritional deficiencies? | Vegetarian Protein - is there enough, and is it complete? | High Protein Vegetarian Diet - some thoughts | Planning a Diet | What's a Healthy Vegetarian Diet? | Achieving a Balanced Vegetarian Diet | Formulating a Vegetarian Diet Plan | Vegetarian Food Pyramid - details & discussion | Vegetarian Daily Diet - some ideas | A Right Diet for Vegetarians - are you on one? | More Information | Vegetarian Statistics and Studies | Vegetarian Quotes - for fun, information & inspiration | Vegetarian Websites, Books, Videos & Resources | List of some Famous Vegetarians Tweet
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