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What Causes HPV - Discussion, Herbs and Herbal RemediesAre you wondering what causes HPV? Human papilloma virus infection is caused when the virus enters the body via a cut or abrasion of some type in the outer layer of body skin.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Human Papillomavirus (HPV). A note about What Causes HPV - Discussion, Herbs and Herbal RemediesIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. There are about 100 different types of this virus, with most being skin to skin transferable. In most cases, these viruses are primarily harmless, but there roughly 30 varieties that are spread through sexual intercourse. The human papilloma virus (HPV) is also associated with genital warts, some precancerous lesions, as well as cervical cancer. In rare cases, a mother with the virus can transmit it to her infant as it passes through the birth canal, causing the child to suffer in either the genital area or the upper respiratory system. As part of learning about what causes HPV, it's also important to know that HPV is a common virus. About three out of every four Americans between the ages of 15 and 50 have been infected, with 6 million new genital cases occurring each year and 20 million in an active HPV infectious state currently. Because the virus is often asymptomatic (meaning there can be infection with no symptoms) is possibly one of the reasons it is common and why those not routinely tested can pass it along without realizing it. HPV infection can be harmless, with the immune system of those infected able to rid the virus from the body in a few short years. On the other hand, HPV can also carry serious health risks. In susceptible people, there are links to cancers, such as cervical (women), and penile and anal (commonly) in men. This is another point to note while learning about what causes HPV. Though there is a strong link between HPV and further complications of cancer, it is still important to know that most HPV infections do resolve on their own. So what causes HPV to carry more risk for carriers, then? Factors that react with the HPV to produce cancerous conditions include smoking, first time intercourse at a young age, having many sexual partners, or using oral contraceptives for extended periods of time. Thus, these elements are what causes HPV to potentially become more dangerous. Because, like other contagious viruses, HPV can be spread, not only from person to person but from body part to body part on the same person, taking precautions is advisable. This is particularly true in the case of genital warts. Practice hand washing faithfully, using a separate towel for infected areas.
Useful Herbs and Herbal Remedies Though most people will never suffer ill effects from the HPV, there are several herbs that have been successfully used in cases involving STDs. Remember that when using herbs to enhance the immune system, it is important, as with all remedies, to alternate between several herbs, as the body will build up resistance to them over time. What causes HPV to be healed? The most important factor is a strong immune system. Echinacea, long used by Native Americans, is known for its ability to aid the immune system in its efforts to keep the body healthy. It works well in cases of warts. Goldenrod, also used by Native Americans, has natural antibiotic properties and can be used as a wash, as it can destroy many types of viruses. Astragalus improves HPV infection sufferers' chances of fighting off not only viral, but bacterial infection, by boosting the body's natural immune system. This herb can be taken as a supplement to help restore immune function. Garlic powder tablets will help promote the white cells to fight the infection, as it is a natural antibiotic. Salicylic acid can be used topically in aiding in dissolving genital warts, in much the same manner as it works in dissolving a common foot ailment called corns. Having read about what causes HPV and some herbs and herbal remedies for this condition, you can learn more about this ailment by reading the other related HPV articles and pages on this website.
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