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What Do Vegetarians Eat?by Webmaster, All4NaturalHealth.com What do vegetarians eat? Vegetables? At first look, for someone who had never previously heard the term, it would seem like a vegetarian is someone who only eats vegetables, doesn't it? In reality, though, a vegetarian merely abstains from animal-based foods, and everything else is fine. Some common and great misconceptions about vegetarian diets are that they lack variety, are very bland-tasting, and cannot provide for our full nutritional needs. Nothing could be further from the truth. In terms of variety, vegetarians actually do have a wide spread. They eat vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, grains, legumes, beans and sprouts. These foods can be eaten raw, sprouted, steamed or cooked. They can also be blended or juiced. In addition, foods such as breads, crackers, chips, pasta, biscuits, soups, salads, etc, are made using them. There is a wide range of different tastes from vegetarian foods to satisfy the taste buds. Further, herbs, spices, condiments and sauces can be used to liven up vegetarian recipes. In terms of the nutritional value of vegetarian diets,
read the page on my thoughts on vegetarian nutrition. "Plantaranian", anyone? Still wondering what do vegetarians eat? Or do you already have a clear idea of what do vegetarians eat?
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Being a vegetarian does not have to be difficult. In fact, it should be simple, healthful and fun. Meals can be delicious, too. Click here for a step-by-step guide to a vegetarian lifestyle, which will help you to make a simple transition to a healthier diet. Vegetarian-related Pages Introduction | What is a Vegetarian? | What Do Vegetarians Eat? | Different Types of Vegetarians | Pros & Cons | Why People Become Vegetarians - the reasons | Advantages of Vegetarian Diet Choices | Health Benefits of Vegetarian Diet Consumption | Vegetarian Diet Disadvantage - a discussion | Becoming a Vegetarian - does it suit humans better? | Being Vegetarian | Going Vegetarian Really isn't That Difficult | Challenges of Being a Vegetarian | How to Become a Vegetarian | Tips to Become Vegetarian | Nutrition Issues | Thoughts on Vegetarian Nutrition - is it adequate and complete? | Vegetarian Diet Health Concerns - are there nutritional deficiencies? | Vegetarian Protein - is there enough, and is it complete? | High Protein Vegetarian Diet - some thoughts | Planning a Diet | What's a Healthy Vegetarian Diet? | Achieving a Balanced Vegetarian Diet | Formulating a Vegetarian Diet Plan | Vegetarian Food Pyramid - details & discussion | Vegetarian Daily Diet - some ideas | A Right Diet for Vegetarians - are you on one? | More Information | Vegetarian Statistics and Studies | Vegetarian Quotes - for fun, information & inspiration | Vegetarian Websites, Books, Videos & Resources | List of some Famous Vegetarians Tweet
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