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What is Vaginitis - Overview and Types of VaginitisAre you wondering - what is vaginitis? Vaginitis is the inflammation of the vagina (also known as colpitis), and is generally accompanied with symptoms such as irritation, itching and vaginal discharge. There are six types of vaginitis that commonly plague women, with diverse causes and specific symptoms.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Vaginitis. A note about What is Vaginitis - Overview and Types of VaginitisIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Fungus, Yeast or Candida The most familiar type of vaginitis is a yeast infection known as candida (fungus). This type of infection gets out of hand when too much of the fungus grows in the vagina, and is the same fungus that can cause thrush (in children as well as adults) and diaper rash in babies. It can also spread to the parts of the body that are the weakest (moist folds of skins, etc). We all have this fungus naturally and when balanced with other fungus or bacteria found in the body, it helps the immune system maintain control of unfriendly organisms. Yeast infection symptoms include redness, itching and a thick white discharge. Generally, a yeast infection is treated with a topical cream or suppositories that can be prescribed by your physician. What is vaginitis which is linked to candida yeast caused by? Common factors concerning yeast infections that can increase risk are medications (antibiotics, steroids), hormonal changes (pregnancy, taking birth control pills or going through menopause), and uncontrolled diabetes. Bubble baths may also contribute to the risks, as may some feminine products (sprays, deodorants). What is vaginitis connected to candida best treated by? The best way to deal with candida is a change in diet. Eliminate sugar of all types, white flour (breads, pastries), diet or alcoholic beverages, all types mushrooms for the most part, and any pickled or fermented foods and products. There are no good junk foods, and although nuts may be good for you, you should stay away from them as well as potato chips, pretzels, salted meats (bacon, lunch / deli) and cheese. These are foods that feed yeast, as do many antibiotics and some birth control pills.
Bacterial Vaginitis The next discussion on the topic, what is vaginitis, relates to that caused by bacteria. Bacterial vaginosis is possibly the most common infection and generally occurs in women in their reproductive years. It is caused by bacteria overgrowth. It is accompanied by a thin grayish to milky discharge that can have an odor and is most noticeable after sexual intercourse.
Trichomoniasis and Chlamydia Trichomoniasis (single celled parasite) and Chlamydia, both vaginal infections that are sexually transmitted, are generally treated with antibiotics. Symptoms include soreness, burning (vaginally and while urinating), and vaginal itching. Care should be taken with both of these infections, as they can be spread to others.
Non-Infectious Vaginitis Next up in the 'what is vaginitis' discussion are those of the non-infectious variety. Non-infectious vaginitis is caused by an irritation or even an allergic reaction to sprays, spermicidal products, soaps, softeners or detergents. It can cause itching, burning or discharge. Elimination of this type of infection involves finding the culprit causing the reaction. A medicated cream can help until you get to the root of the problem.
Viral Vaginitis Viruses are another cause of vaginitis. Herpes simplex virus (HSV), commonly called herpes and spread by sexual contact, is one type. Symptoms are most associated with the pain due to lesions or sores. Another viral infection is the human papillomavirus (HPV), sometime referred to as genital warts. This infection is also sexually transmitted.
Conclusion The best way to deal with vaginitis is to find out which type of infection you have. A good rule of thumb would be to avoid clothes that hold in heat and / or moisture, as well as to avoid douches and vaginal sprays, as they readily kill the friendly bacteria, fungus, etc. as well as the bad. Do you now have a better idea of what is vaginitis? Learn more about this condition by reading the other related vaginitis articles and pages on this website.
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Some Related Vaginitis Pages What is Vaginitis - Overview and Types of Vaginitis Natural Treatment for Vaginitis - Tips and Home Remedies for Relief Bacterial Vaginitis Treatment - Medical Care and Self Help Tips
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