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What is Zeolite - Uses, Benefits and Other InformationIt's recently becoming popular as a health supplement, but what is zeolite in the first place? Working at the cellular level, zeolite is a new breakthrough supplement that is effective in its ability to trap heavy metals as well as other toxins and safely remove them from the body. It is a natural element that is mined and then refined by going through a filtration process which renders it virtually pure. It contains over 50 different minerals and is made of a crystalline structure that is porous and yet remains rigid even when processed through eroding liquids. Because of this, it has been adopted for many uses. Answers.com has this to say of what is zeolite (paraphrased): Any in the family of water-containing aluminum silicate minerals, whose molecules enclose positive ions and are chiefly used as molecular filters on the molecular level and as ion-exchange agents. The actual Clinoptilolite (Zeolite filtrated to its purest form) molecule is honey-comb shaped at this level and carries a negative charge. When ingested into the body, this type of zeolite attracts the positively charged heavy metals, harmful chemicals, and other toxins. When they are bonded with the zeolite, they are easily flushed from the system through urine elimination within 6 to 8 hours. This gives us some insight into what is zeolite good for - removing harmful toxins from the human body. What is zeolite beneficial for is further explained through its ability to reach places in the body which other compounds may not be able to. Clinoptilolite can be mechanically reduced to yield a powder so fine even the blood brain barrier (BBB) cannot stop it from easily being absorbed into its network of bloodstream. This is good in the fact that the BBB is a separation of circulating blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and maintained from the central nervous system (CNS). Endothelial cells are the monitors restricting objects such as bacteria (mainly because they are too large), while allowing molecules that are beneficial (naturally occurring small enough to be allowed though). These cells are also responsible for transporting metabolic necessities such as glucose across the barrier. Though few disease-causing organisms get through the barrier, they do on occasion. Because antibodies and antibiotics are both also too large to cross the barrier, infection of the brain can prove deadly. It is only because the BBB becomes more permeable during inflammation that some antibiotics are able to get through. As viruses can easily bypass the BBB by attaching themselves to any circulating immune cell, the power that zeolite has makes it beneficial in cases of brain infections. Take mercury, for example - exposure to it can cause harm to the brain, lungs, heart and kidneys, as well as our very essential immune system. The coal-fired plant is the largest source of mercury pollution in the air (40%) nationwide and is said to be held responsible for more than 20,000 deaths (premature) every year. Forty-seven states in the US have posted advisories because of contaminated water, because toxins such as mercury linger and accumulate in the body, placing intense stress on our immune system, hormone balances, and cell growth / activity; they can also lead to cancer. Zeolite has proved extremely beneficial in aiding the body to rid itself of toxins such as mercury. What is zeolite useful for, in areas other than health? Other areas where zeolite is proving itself invaluable are in the fields of aquaculture, agriculture, horticulture, production of household and industrial products, removal of radioactive waste, and in water and wastewater treatment. Do you now have a better idea of what is zeolite, and what is zeolite useful for? To learn more about this compound, read the other related zeolite articles and pages on this website.
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Wish to learn more about cleansing and detoxification after reading about what is zeolite? Have you heard of the 10-day Master Cleanse, the 12 steps to a complete body detox, or the definitive detox diet? Do you know how to detox to lose weight, or to detox your body at all levels in 5 minutes without ingesting anything? You could also discover the supposed body detox secret, or learn about colon cleansing as undertaken by a former toxic colon victim.
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