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Benefits of Wild Yam Cream, Wild Yam Gel and Wild Yam LotionWild yam cream, wild yam gel and wild yam lotion are some ways of topically harnessing the health benefits of the wild yam herb. Wild yams have been promoted as a source of natural progesterone for the relief of menopausal symptoms and a host of other female problems ranging from menstrual cramps to monthly mood swings. Claims for the effectiveness of wild yam progesterone cream are based on the fact that wild yams contain a precursor to steroid hormones called diosgenin. However, diosgenin itself has no hormonal activity and cannot be converted in the human body into anything that does. One of the main wild yam benefits is that it is commonly used during menopause. Wild yam cream is an important addition to a menopause-relieving regimen. Wild yam cream is a preparation that is made from extracts of the wild yam herb.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Wild Yam. A note about the Benefits of Wild Yam Cream, Wild Yam Gel and Wild Yam LotionHerbs are God and nature's gifts to us. While the use of herbs and herb remedies has brought excellent results for many people, do note that their health benefits may be limited when they are used in isolation. However, when combined with some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition, the impact on one's health will be greatly magnified. In natural health and healing, we believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. We also believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Mans understanding. It is thus a good idea to apply these fundamental health steps no matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem. Diosgenin found in wild yam is a phytoestrogen, and it closely resembles human progesterone. Due to this similarity, the body reacts to it as if it were progesterone. These phytoestrogens are far less potent and therefore result in slower effect but safer use. Phytoestrogens do not cause any side effects. Unlike estrogen which, when in excess, is associated with endometrial cancer, phytoestrogens do not evoke cell growth. Many people question the effectiveness of wild yam cream as a topical application and it is therefore important to understand that our skin has the ability to absorb elements that come in contact with it. These elements travel with the blood flow or accumulate in tissues. Nicotine patches and essential oil blends work this way. The benefits of it are obvious: nutrients and vitamins do not travel through the digestive system and liver, where they can be broken down and lose their effect. Diosgenin which is found in wild yam becomes nearly useless after it goes through the liver. The cream, when used for the breasts, inner thighs, belly, etc, penetrates easily into the skin and when it is accumulated in breast tissues, it makes fat cells a little bigger, which adds fullness and roundness to the breasts. It does not increase the number of cells, therefore there is a limit to size increase, and the increase itself depends on the amount of fat cells already present. After phytoestrogens get into the blood flow, they cause mild estrogenic effects. In other words, they "draw attention" of cell receptors and lock on them preventing real estrogen from producing significant and often undesirable effects. That is why women who suffer from PMS, cramping and menopausal discomfort will benefit from wild yam cream. Before being used for breast enhancement effects, wild yam had been used to treat complaints relating to PMS symptoms for hundreds of years. Whether you want to balance your hormones, or to add fullness to the breasts, wild yam cream can be a part of the solution. The results will depend on your actual hormone levels. Sometimes, additional food supplements will be necessary for hormone balancing and faster results. Many women find that by supplementing their hormone production with natural progesterone, they will reduce many or most of their PMS & menopausal symptoms. The presence of progesterone in the body sensitizes estrogen receptor sites thus enabling estrogen to work more efficiently. Progesterone is a precursor to other hormones in the body including estrogen, testosterone, and especially the corticosteriods. Thus, wild yam progesterone cream, used correctly, can bring great benefits to the body. Wild Yam Gel Wild yam gel is a phytoestrogen rich, topically applied product that absorbs excellently and has great moisturizing properties. A variety of wild yam gel called the Extra Strength Wild Yam (12%) Gel contains a double strength extract of the Mexican Wild Yam root. To produce the highest potency wild yam extract possible, wild yam gel only uses the fresh whole root. The gel is also a rich source of diosgenin, a precursor to progesterone, which may relieve symptoms associated with menopause such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and discomfort. Wild Yam Lotion Wild yam lotion contains special minerals and herbs that aid in the relief of stress and balancing of hormones. Combining it with natural antioxidant vitamin E and soothing aloe vera gel can ensure an effective therapy for women during PMS and menopause or when coping with normal, everyday pressures.
Wild Yam Pages | Wild Yams - History and Methods of Use | Wild Yam Benefits on Health | Wild Yam Root, Wild Yam Extract and Mexican Wild Yam - More Information and Benefits | Benefits of Wild Yam Cream, Gel and Lotion | Wild Yam Herb Health Benefits and Properties - Research and Studies | Side Effects of Wild Yam - also Safety, Caution and Contraindications
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