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The Yarrow Herb - Uses & Health Benefitsby Webmaster, All4NaturalHealth.com The yarrow herb, or the Achillea millefolium, is native to Europe and naturalized to the temperate regions of North America as well as other temperate regions. Yarrow plants have been used for the treatment of external skin wounds for since as far back as at least the ancient Greeks. Achillea actually refers to the ancient hero Achilles, who is said to have used yarrow for himself and his soldiers. Millefolium, on the other hand, means "of a thousand leaves" - this refers to the fine, delicate and feathery leaves of the plant. The yarrow plant is also known as "bloodwort", "carpenter's weed", "common yarrow", "knight's milfoil", "milfoil", "noble yarrow", "nosebleed", "old man's pepper" and "staunchgrass".
Yarrow has the following beneficial properties. The yarrow herb also has the following positive effects. In addition, yarrow helps to deal with the following health conditions. Externally, the yarrow herb has been used, and is reputedly very effective, for helping to heal bruises, burns, cuts, swelling, ulcers and wounds on the skin or body surface. This is usually carried out using poultices made from the whole plant, yarrow leaves, or powder produced by grinding up dried yarrow tops. Infusions are also used to wash the skin to help deal with skin conditions, for example eczema. In addition, the essential oils of yarrow are sometimes rubbed on affected skin. In the past, the leaves of the yarrow plant were chewed on to reduce the pain arising from toothaches. The gas rising from boiling yarrow infusions were also inhaled to alleviate mild asthmatic symptoms. For its other uses, yarrow oil is sometimes included as part of hair shampoos.
Yarrow flower tops and leaves are the parts of the plant used for medicinal purposes. Yarrow can be taken as an infusion (yarrow tea) or as a tincture. Yarrow essential oil, extracted from the plant, is also used.
There are no significant side effects noted from the use of the yarrow herb. However, yarrow should not be used during pregnancy as it may stimulate the uterus.
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